Leggy-Virt's Fanfiction Policy & List

Jan 08, 2020 12:08

Granted, I'm still technically a newblet in LJdom, but I think I've got enough of a handle on reality and how to make the English language my cabana boy to do this sort of a thing. Besides, it's always a good idea to have oneself a rule list of sorts. Keeps the awkward down to a bare minimum.

  • Comment, and I'll attempt to comment right back in the format of how you commented. It's a weird quirk, but it's my way of saying thank you for reading my drivel to begin with.
  • Ask and thou shalt receive. But please ask nicely and don't ask all at once, my fingers can only type so fast.
  • Impossible is relative, makes me laugh hysterically, and can actually be achieved. Unless it's PWP. Then you're just weird.
  • Plot. If it doesn't has it, I'm probably not writing it.
  • Chances are I don't actually ship the pair I just wrote. Seeing as how I'm a crackpair writer, I'm not very attached to my fandom's pairsets like other people are. I will write what I can manage, no more no less.
  • Take thine flames and report to Xanxus. I want to see this.
  • Your opinions are your own, that's nice. I'm probably thinking the same thing when I reread this mess, so feel free to commiserate in my agony.
  • I have no beta. If you want to volunteer for such a task, please god do. You might want to take a tea break first, because I can be... temperamental.
  • I will not lock my fics. You are all rational people and should be able to tell from a simple rating system if you should be reading it. If all else fails, consider the rule of 'if your mother was reading this over your shoulder, how much trouble would you be in?'. Please do not abuse this, as it is a privilege. I can take it away and friends-lock this entire archive with no personal qualms whatsoever.

All fanfic requests either go in the comment section of fics I've already written (I'd prefer not, but you might be lazy) if it relates to that pairing or in this thread. No exceptions. I don't like window-hopping. Ask biantaitroika, they will tell you the horrors of unexpected group chats. It's actually how they all met, but we don't go there.

  • 8018 - khrminibang & chaernotwasted prompt: xenophilia
  • XS - misumisu84
  • Xanxus/haru.↲haru wants one day when she can be a normal wife to her husband. Domesticity, newly wed romance and xanxus screwing it up majorly - teenochan


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