(A continuation of
this post.)
It's already been two weeks since this incident, and so much has happened in between then. The memory is slightly hazy, but I'll do my best to finish this.
At first, I really wanted not to go to work, but that would have been contradictory to what I needed to do, which was make money. I really did need to start buckling down and paying off this debt. I knew it wouldn't fix our friendship, but it was the least I could do. I probably looked super depressed coming into work. It was busy as usual, and after work Susan urged me to go home. I did just that, only seeing John S. at home. I said hello and sulked into bed. Nothing feels as good as sleeping in your own bed sometimes.
The next day I got a phone call from Chef Tony from my old hotel job. He asked me again if I was ready to come back, and this time I decided to say yes. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. We didn't discuss my salary, but I figured I would be taking the lower pay I was offered. Holding out didn't seem like an issue anymore with my current situation. Tony told me that I had to fill out some paperwork at human resources soon, but they asked me to work that Saturday to help out. Apparently, Yoshi had been called away due to a family emergency, so that was the reason that they kept calling me to come back.
From there, I ended up working every day at Funky Monkey. It was getting ridiculously busy at times, so I was called in quite a bit. That week I actually worked every day, netting 43 hours or so, and 7 at the hotel. The next Monday I went to human resources for the Rosen Centre, thinking I would be filling out forms for my rehiring. Instead, they ambushed me with a drug test. Now, I have been gone from that company for over a month now, and since then, I had enjoyed an occasional cigarette or marijuana intake in my absence. In fact, it was just the week before that when I got really high with a co-worker. I was visibly nervous and doubtful I would pass this piss test. I even told the woman administering the test that I probably wouldn't pass it. The woman (who was not affiliated with the hotel itself, but rather an outside company that did the drug testing) assured me to just take the test and see if I randomly passed. As I held the pee cup over the toilet, I just kept thinking to myself, "Fuckfuckfuck I just screwed myself." A few minutes later urine was collected and I stood over the woman as she tested my pee with something that looked like a pregnancy test and another ph-meter reader or whatever that was dipped in the cup of piss. A minute passed and she informed me that it was "good so far." I did nothing but drop my jaw in amazement. "How the fuck was this happening?" I thought. The woman told me that trace amounts of tobacco/whatever don't last in recreational users like me, versus everyday users like half the people I know. I still told her how surprised I was, and she replied, "Some things are just meant to be." It's funny and terrifying how things work out. I treated myself to this glorious victory with a matinee viewing of The Social Network, which was pretty decent.
Since then, I ended up working everyday for another week. Sunday (11/21) was my first day off in 14 days. I'm trying to work furiously to gather money to pay off this debt. It's been slightly difficult to save money, seeing as how my bank account has been larger than normal. I just haven't been going out as much, or rather, been paying for things, because people from work always want to see me drunk. I dunno, I guess I just have this give-this-guy-free-stuff-even-though-he-may-not-deserve-it aura. I haven't spoken to Billy since he returned with Amanda to Orlando. Most of my nights, I arrive at the house between midnight and 3am, and I just end up crashing into bed because I've been working for 8+ hours that day. I've been getting closer to Susan, it seems. I'm still not sure where this whole relationship is going, but I just know I'm getting closer to her. She told me the other day that she was worried that if we started a dating relationship, it might affect our friendship if something went awry. Great, I'm such a good friend that no one wants anything else from me. At least I got that friendship thing down pat, even if I don't feel like it sometimes. I'm just going to stick with it as usual, and see where this takes me.
Here's some other random bullet points of "interest:"
- I went to my first strip club on Monday. It was a server's(Gina's) birthday at Funky Monkey, and this other server (Jaime) kept pushing this strip club trip to Dancer's Royale, since she had the hook-up there. I paid $15 for three bottles and a table. My co-workers bought me a lap dance, because I "looked like I needed one," whatever that means. Her name was Trinity. She was nice.
- I'm undefeated in my last 10 matches or so in tournament Magic play. "You just show up and win," said Brad, a Magic companion of mine. I really wish I was going to Atlanta, but I must save money. There's a tournament here in Orlando this Saturday, but I'm not sure if I should go. It could be another waste of money, like all Magic is.
- I'm working on Thanksgiving, but I'm spending actual family time in Brandon on Friday. It'll be the first time we've all been together since Nikki's wedding over a year ago. I haven't even spoken to Mom for a long time, so I'm sure to be yelled at. I have to work that Friday night too, which is unfortunate.
For now, my life is mostly work, followed by sleep, with some depression and Susan mixed in. I really don't think I'm going to be happy for a while.