As a part of the Save Our Seeker campaign, fans are planning on trending #SaveOurSeeker at 8am ET and #LegendoftheSeeker at 12pm ET on Twitter on Saturday, May 1st at 12pm ET. If you have a Twitter account, please help Legend of the Seeker fans raise awareness of our campaign to save our favorite show. The timing of the Tweets are very crucial, so if you can not be on the site at the designated time you could always use the site
Twaitter to perfectly time the Tweet. Also the Tweets must be not be considered spam by Twitter to be counted, so that means you can only say #LegendoftheSeeker or #SaveourSeeker in a full sentence tweet, and only once per tweet. For more guidelines on making the Tweets count, and for full details on the Trending campaign you can visit the
SaveTheSeeker site.
EDIT: There are two Trending Campaigns set for May 1st. At 8am ET the trend is #SaveOurSeeker and at 12pm ET the trend is #LegendoftheSeeker.
EDIT 2: There is also a Trending Campaign set for 6pm ET, Friday April 30th. The trend is again #LegendoftheSeeker. Also a part of all three of these Trending Campaigns is to help Allison Mack fans get #AllisonMack to trend, and they will help us trend #LegendoftheSeeker and #SaveourSeeker. For detailed information see