I seem to have misplaced my chin.

May 07, 2005 15:21

Hmm. So, exam session. Things got off to a cracking start when I failed my first two exams, both of which were third year level though. The format of those is quite fun: 40% of the marks for part A, and then two out of three questions from part B worth 60% each. I decided to be clever in the first exam and went "Hmm. Well, this question took 10 minutes to figure out just what they were ASKING, this is a good bet". Discrete programming and Game Theory then. That could have gone better. Think Holic[a].

The second one was just lol. Evil geometry and partial differential equations stuff. Which I basically knew fuck all about. The first question was "State the general form of a matrix in SO(2)" ie basically what is a rotation matrix. This is the starter for six. I didn't know. Kinda went downhill from there. OTOH the Section B questions were actually not that bad, so maybe I merely got a D as opposed to failing entirely.

After that things began to look up: Comp Sci 2B was just lol; there was a huge algorithms and data structures segment which they just didn't examine us one and the rest was really rather easy. Linear Algebra went well too, but that module was rather well taught (the head of the maths dept was our lecturer) so everyone knew it inside out.

All in all though, it's not going to be a stellar second year set of results =\ so much for having an actually interesting third year placement then. On the flipside, The Project is finally gaining momentum! Could have picked a better time I suppose, but I just need to finish integrating a few classes and the sound system will be finished. At which point I write the input layer, then hook up a IIDX controller and I've got something that plays keysounds without lag, something that seems to have evaded Konami from 9th AC onwards...

Now I've just got to design the actual gameplay engine (basically polish up the design from Notesmash and make it scriptable) and write a user interface system. Eee, this is so exciting!

(The song I'm listening to is quite interesting as well. Think Hardcore of the North on some rather peculiar drugs)
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