[x] stolen something?
[x] lied to your friends?
[x] kissed the same sex? (A strange tale, that one.)
[ ] cheated on your lover?
[-] been in a fist fight? (Almost... the guy went to punch me and one of my other friends tackled him. So not really.)
[ ] had a crush online?
[x] gotten drunk?
[ ] smoked pot? (Smells awful.)
[ ] bought an illegal drug?
[ ] got it up the butt?
[x] been in love?
[ ] made yourself throw up on purpose? (I tried once just to see if I could, but it didn't work.)
[x] had someone tell you they like you and not show it? (Benji in seventh grade... asked me out via a friend and ran out of the room before I could say anything.)
[ ] have someone tell you they love you and prove themself wrong?
[x] backstabbed a friend?
[x] had a friend backstab you?
[x] liked someone just for looks?
[x] liked someone just for personality?
[x] jumped and screamed through a scary movie?
[x] been in the principal's office?
[x] thrown up in front of people?
[ ] threw up on someone?
[x] spilled a drink at a restaurant?
[x] downloaded porn? (Not to look at in a sexual way, though, just to laugh at. Crazy sleepover antics, you know how it goes.)
[ ] looked through a porn magazine?
[x] read sex tips in fashion magazines? (What can I say, I like Cosmo.)
[ ] shot up heroin?
[ ] snorted coke?
[-] taken pills? (Umm... does Advil count?)
[x] regretted something?
[x] liked someone who wasn't single?
[ ] kissed someone who wasn't single?
[ ] liked your friend's mate?
[ ] been to a psychologist?
[x] been to a dermatologist?
[x] had a blood test?
[x] had an infection?
[x] had the flu?
[ ] broken a bone?
[ ] sprained a muscle?
[x] lied to your parents?
[x] snuck out at night?
[x] snuck someone in at night?
[ ] got caught?
[x] been to a concert/gig?
[ ] had someone become obsessed over you?
[ ] ever had an orgy?
[x] cried alone?
[x] cried on someone's shoulders?
[ ] tried commiting suicide?
[ ] burned yourself purposly?
[x] been to a church?
[x] said a prayer?
[x] been angry at God?
[x] felt depressed?
[x] felt used?
[x] been out of state?
[ ] to Europe?
[x] out of the country?
[x] been to an island?
[ ] had someone very close to you die?
[x] had someone you know die?
[-] got hit with a bottle over the head? (Do plastic ones count?)
[ ] been taken advantage of in any way when you were drunk?
[x] had your boyfriend/girlfriend yell and or embaress you in public? (Yeah but he wasn't trying to.)
[x] been slapped by the opposite sex?
[x] been punched by the opposite sex?
[x] hit the opposite sex?
[ ] killed someone?
[x] ever eaten pumpkin pie?
[x] celebrated Halloween?
[x] not celebrated Halloween?
[x] had your heart broken?
[x] had someone from the opposite sex become infatuated with you?
[ ] been fisted?
[ ] had a surprise party?
[x] got a birthday gift from a boyfriend/girlfriend?
[x] got a birthday gift from a friend?
[x] want to get married?
[x] want to have kids?
[ ] want to get drunk right now? (HELL NO.)
[ ] want to smoke pot right now?
[ ] want to get wasted right now?
[ ] wanted to model?
[x] wanted to be a lawyer? (In fourth grade.)
[ ] wanted to be a doctor?
[x] wanted to be an actor? (Back before I realized I sucked.)
[ ] wanted to be a business owner?
[x] wanted to be a photographer? (Fun!)
[x] had a craving for sushi? (GOD YES!)
[x] had a craving for chocolate?
[ ] starved yourself?
[x] stopped eating, unintentionally? (I go through phases where I'm just not hungry.)
[ ] ate a worm?
[ ] swallowed a fly?
[x] held hands with your friend of the same sex in public?
[x] held hands with a friend in general?
[x] used someone?
[x] truly hated someone?
[x] disliked someone?
[x] been a hypocrite to someone?
[x] been friends with hypocrites?
Average day. Spent Spanish class doodling in my day planner and laughing as the class runs mental circles around Newman. Every day is just one big endeavor to drive him up the wall. I think he's used to the mockery, hatred, and lack of respect from his students.
I got a 92 on my Pre-Calculus test! The tiny optimist deep within me was secretly hoping for higher but heck, a high B! That'll probably be the best grade I make in there all semester. In psychology some random guy asked if he could sign my pants. o__0 Then I felt strangely self-conscious when I heard some guy yell out; "HEY! THAT GIRL HAS NOFX WRITTEN ON HER ASS!" And I was frightened.
I was eating bacon bits at lunch when a heavy wind came and blew them all onto Dana. Noooo! Cardboard-y fake bacon goodness was denied me. Yearbook was long but fine, I just talked to my buddies and listened to Mrs. Prudhomme go on about captions and do the same worksheets I did last year. I can't wait til this stage is over... last year she taught for a few weeks then just let us play cards the rest of the year.
And, YES! Winyah Health Care Group bought a full page ad from me for the yearbook, so I get my A! Whoop whoop. Plus, I got to see meh Beau today. I drove up there for a couple of hours and ate dinner there.
He's so cute. I would post a picture of him but I'm still scared of Internet stalkers... better keep our appearances on the DL at least.
A drama club meeting tomorrow! Could it be? An ACTUAL drama club that does DRAMA?! They have a new teacher for it this year, instead of the overworked band/chorus teacher from last year who only used the "drama club" title to set up gigs for the chorus. Brittany's doing it to, and I'm really hopeful about the whole thing.