holy shit holy shit holy shit.
the best part was when joey did a solo. his platform rose while he was playing and it spun around slowly and he went upside down and stuff. i'm not even kidding, he's probably the greatest drummer there is. son of a BITCH he was so good. it was amazing. GOIJSIOGFJASEO GOD.
paul was gone in the hospital for some reason, so we all sang duality for him :D so they were down one bassist but it was all good BECAUSE SLIPKNOT IS FUCKING AMAZING.
i got the new MSI cd.
everyone there was drunk.
when carrie and jess and i were walking around in the hotel, we had problems with the door so some guys helped us and like, 10 guys were flirting with us. probably because carrie's such a whore. hahahaa but we love her.
and i'm a dumbass and i screamed "WOOO I'M GETTIN LAID TONIGHT!" and they heard me. because i'm an idiot. so carrie smacked me and i ran in the room.
fucking cunt.
ahhaha i love carrie.
so anyway back to slipknot!
oh yeah, it's my new favorite band. aoijfeoiajfo. god. they are SO GOOOOD.
i hate those fuckups who dislike slipknot just because they're popular and tons of other people like them.
1. who the fuck cares?
2. you don't seem cool when you say "i don't like slipknot because everyone else likes them." it makes you seem like a wannabe badass who thinks they knows everything about music.
3. you're totally blowing off the fact that they have loads of talent
4. it's annoying, really
i mean, if you don't like slipknot, that's fine. each to our own. but don't whine about them being popular or whatever. because that just shows how fucking stupid you are.
and they DIDN'T copy mushroomhead. so quit whining about that too. if anything, they BOTH copied the band mr. bungle, because they wore kabukis and pig masks before them. so get your shit straight before you start making judgements.
guhuguhuguhugu. so if you're gonna hate a band, hate them for a god damn reason.
because i'm sick of hearing that shit.
ok i'm done.
i want to go to the mall today.