This pipe weed is wonderful! I simply cannot believe I was ever so against it, thanks Aragorn for showing me the error of my ways!
While I slept, he concocted some sort of "Lembas hash brownies" and offered me one. At first I was angry that he laced the remainder of our food supply with drugs, then I ate one!
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Comments 41
Yeah I did say you could still "bump uglies" as long as it did not harm the baby, and your behavior will harm that poor child. I am so disappointed in you. Look at yourself. Wait till your father hears that you knocked up a mortal and then left her for your "dog" Aragorn and his weed. I am writing him now.
Tinuviel, we can raise our kids together, because it seems the fathers do not care about the lives they have created. I will help you hon, no matter what. Legolas, you make me sick. I hope your father gives you a good arse whipping.
Seek Eomer, Tinuviel-elleth! <3<3<3 Nice, strong, handsome man who can appreciate the small things in life.. much better for you than a fickle elf.
But the past can not be changed. Not to worry. This child will be loved by its aunt Jen and all the other elleths.
Oh dear lord! I can not breath!
*cough* *gag*
*laughs for the rest of the day*
Someday you could be prince and ada to a beautiful lady and her child, but you must end this foolishness before you lose her forever. The buzz will die, and you will find yourself utterly alone.
I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but reality will not be as understanding as I.
He really does have a good heart and I have complete faith that he will do what is right in the end.
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