Impromtu stayover at Ingfa's on Christmas eve because her housemates were not back yet and she just got back at 7pm last night. Funny thing was i was just wondering where the hell Ingfa went and whether Hj was back in SG(with my presents, hohoho) just before they called me and asked if i wanna do something on Christmas eve.
I have no idea why the hell they like KFC so much but we bought a big fest set (10 drumsticks FOR 3pax and some other snacks + mash potato, really. It was, a lot and in the end Ingfa's bro (Kwanfa) came back and ate the leftovers for us, hohoho. Reason why you dont see Ingfa in the picture is because...... she's sitting at the side with her drumsticks. Kwanfa refused to say that my phone was ~good~ and kept saying that its ~not bad~ while nodding approvingly and fiddling with it. -_- Speaking of him, he's like super nice, washing all the clothes and cleaning the room while ingfa slacks, HAH.
So, we did nothing, really. Watched Accepted, which was really funny (hahaha, S.H.I.T) and Meet Dave which was really laem. Like, stupid aliens. But Eddie Murpy's face was just funny to look at so we laughed quite a lot. Some pig stole the big sofa at 3am and fell asleep, Ingfa and i chatted about school, life, karma and all that shizz while watching Janice Dickenson and Bringing Down The House and Ingfa was just really amused by Queen Latifah. I think she's pretty awesome, yo, foshizz.
AHH, and then at like, 12mid Cheongkah called me and told me he was gonna go off at five. :( Then i was so hyped cause he told me last night that Shinee would be on 娱乐百分百 that I made them stopped watching Meet Dave just to hear Xiao Zhu say "明天的特别嘉宾是SHINEE~" at like, the last 10 seconds. Then I missed today's ep in the afternoon too, cause i felt bad for making them watch that for nothing. >_> So im like waiting for reruns. D; Bro said he saw like, last 3 seconds of the show and SHinee was saying " WE ARE, SHINEE!" or something. Stupid. *___*
Wanted to go to the playground at six but everyone was just to LAZY so we just slept, when the sun rose. It was such a pity. :( Stupid pigs.
Okay, nothing much, anymore. Watched 4bia which was dumb and freaky at the same time. Shutter's still the best horror movie i've ever watched. Sucks to say. Hm, Huijuan gave me a distorted spongebob handphone chain, which was really good cause....i can use it to clean the screen of my phone HAHAHA. Ingfa gave me a hoodie shirt which matched my Jansport really really well. Like, it blends in. Thankyous, thankyous. People should go overseas moar. D:
oh wells, Christmas's over. HAPPY BOXING DAY?