Yesterday started out with my hooking up with my sister at the Whitby marina and going for a 6.15 km run. My Mom & step-dad had the girls out on their boat which left my sister & me to go for a nice jog. It was great as there was a nice breeze coming off the lake. When done, we went out on the boat and I took a dip in Lake Ontario to cool down. The water was about 10 C! Felt quite a bit like a polar bear dip but was really refreshing.
DT was out of town over the weekend so had me run the workout last night. I was surprised he asked me to run it. It was a nice confidence boost as I didn't think I was at that level with my fitness but obviously he does and I trust him.
We started with the standard Crossfit warm up, followed by a slow 400m jog to loosen up the legs. The workout was "Air" Fran - Fran without the weight. We have 4 new guys who just started coming to the workouts so we dropped the weight to ensure they get used to the movements. "Air' Fran consists of:
21-15-9 reps of squats & push ups, so
21 squats
21 push ups
15 squats
15 push ups
9 squats
9 push ups
My time was 3:24.
We cashed out with another 400m run. Stretched to cool off followed by a quick dip in a neighbour's pool. :)
I'm a little sore today so am putting off the morning workout to later tonight.
5 days to Polaris; looking forward to catching up with friends I haven't seen in a long time!