Catching up on a few workout postings. Last Thursday was a brutal one - pukie paid me another visit!
Pack: For time:
20 Walking lunge steps
15 Pull-ups (assisted)
35 Box jumps, 24 inch box
15 Tuck Jumps (working on my double unders but not there yet…)
20 Ring dips
15 Knees to elbows (progressed, though almost there)
20 Kettlebell swings, 25 lbs
20 Sit-ups
15 Hang squat cleans, 45 pound bar (equipment limitation - no dumbbells at the park)
20 Back extensions
20 Wall ball shots, 20 lbs ball
15 towel pulls (equipment limitation - no rope at the park)
Time: 15:42
For some reason this WOD beat me to a pulp. I'm proud to say that for the 15th time since I started doing CrossFit, Pukie paid me a visit!
Yesterday I did a max weight deadlift workout. 10 sets of 2 reps, working up to your max weight. I did
2 x 75 lbs
2 x 85 lbs
2 x 95 lbs
2 x 105 lbs
2 x 115 lbs
2 x 125 lbs
2 x 135 lbs
2 x 145 lbs
2 x 145 lbs - ran out of weights to add to the bar
Max reps x 145 lbs - 14!!!!
We ran out of weight to add to the bar so my 10th set we switched up the workout and did max rep. I made it to 14 before my form started to deteriorate to the point where I was going to injure myself. I could have done more sets of 2 at a heavier weights if we'd had the equipment, time to go buy more weight!
Funny, the garage gym is slowly building into something pretty serious. I love it!