How about: Celebrate your bonded day, in which those elves lucky enough to find someone to bond with will celebrate their love for each other. The celebrations can be as personal as spending time with their loved one, or as public as a gathering of people. The day would be about love, sharing, and understanding for the one you hold dearest to your heart.
Word count: 64
Typical day
Lately, my typical day does not involve much. I wake up next to Elladan, get up and do some things around Imladris for the rest of the day. My life as of lately has been uneventful, something I have longed for. As a prince of Mirkwood, my daily life consisted of protecting the kingdom, and engaging in the politics of Arda. Sometimes it was patrolling the borders, hunting orcs or spiders. Sometimes it was sitting in my father’s court, listening to the patrons. There was the cherished day where I could be by myself and do what I pleased. This would not last more than a few days, for something would always come up. To have several weeks to months of not doing anything, except be with the one I love most is truly a gift from the Valar. Although I sometimes miss my more adventurous days.
Word count: 147
End of the world
This is a stupid question for an Elf. If the world were to end, then I would sail with my loved ones to Valinor and be with them for the rest of time. My mortal friends know what I am, so therefore should understand the sea calling us at some point in our life.
Word Count: 54
Regret losing
There was a stone, nothing special, just a rock from a stream in Mirkwood. I picked it up on a day out, walking through the forest with Nana and Ada. It held the memory of one perfect day with my parents, one keepsake from a time when we were happy. Hundreds of years have past, and the stone was lost. I do not know where or how. Maybe it got misplaced in the halls. Maybe it fell from my pouches when I was on patrol. Maybe someone took it from my rooms. All I know is that this one small item is lost forever.
Word Count: 104
Muse: Legolas
Fandom: LotR