i saw this on val's lj and though it would be a great idea.
1. continue seeing everyone from high school
2. try and patch fractured friendships
3. email nadia weekly when she is in scotland
4. start emailing/writting letters to my friends interstate
Love & such.
5. get engaged at some point during this time
6. stop worrying about what the future will hold for me and adrian and just enjoy the now
7. tell him everyday that i love him
8. tell my family more that i love them
9. go on a holiday with adrian, just us
Just for fun.
10. Learn how to speak spanish
11. keep a dream diary
12. print of my photo's and create a pretty photo album
13. read 1 book a week (0/143)
14. made 10 of those books come from angus robertsons 101 best sellers books
15. learn how to use photoshop
16. mosaic the top of my coffee table
17. see more ballet
18. stay up all night and see the sunrise over the beach
19. Go fishing
20. go to the theme parks in QLD and go on the rides
21. get my grandpa to teach me how to turn wood
22. do something to make other people smile
23. go to an old fashion school fete
24. buy a crossword book and complete it
25. take photography classes
26. take better quality photos
27. print and frame photos
28. walk the mount lofty to waterfully gully track
29. to the barrossa and sample wines
30. do the victor harbour produce trail
31. get another tattoo
32. paint the freezer door with blackboard paint
33. have picnics
34. wear more dresses
35. get a fake tan
36. go to victor and see the penguins at night
37. watch less tv
38. go shopping at op shops
39. walk more; drive less
40. learn calligraphy
41. try other things on menus; there is more than a parmy on there
42. have a board game night
43. go to a karoke bar
44. learn to appreciate white wine more
45. do something different with my hair.
46. get fake nails
47.do my assignments when i first get them
48. try soy milk
49. get an address book and use it
50. write a list of all my cds and keep it on the computer
51. try to stop procrastiating
52. drop my phone cap down
53. have an ol' fashion slumber party
54. Go hiking.
55. get in the car and just drive
56. buy a house
57. Plan overseas adventures.
58. Save for overseas adventures.
59. go camping
Food & entertaining.
60. Learn how to make sushi correctly and have people over it to enjoy
61. have dinner at mount lofty
62. continue my caffiene free diet
63. eat more tofu
64. have a vegetarian dinner one night a week (0/143)
65. no fast food for a month
66. make my own iced tea
67. eat less pasta
68. have a beach picnic and make the food myself
69. have a pirate party
70. go to a day on the green
71. try a new reciepe a month
72. Make lamingtons from scratch
73. have a 3 course dinner party for my family
74. continue to drink 2 litres of water a day
75. save our home loan deposit in six months
76. if i have to put it on credit i dont need it
Health, wellness & self-development.
77. Play Wii Fit for at least half an hour a day
78. leave work at work
79. lose at least 15kg
80. i will not straighten my hair everyday
81. Ensure I get my 'five serves' of vegetables a day.
82. start jogging with my brother and keep at it
83. if i cant say anything nice ill just smile
84. yoga breathing everynight before i go to bed
85. eat more fruit
86. dont thinking negatively about myself
87. continue to study even when ive finished my degree
88. have ME time
89. read more biographies
90. get massages
91. eat smaller portions
92. leave work at work, walk out the door and dont worry about it
93. i wont get involved in the bullshit
94. i WILL get a payrise, i am worth more money
95. Decide on my next career move.
96. apply for new jobs even though i dont think i have the skills
& just to make life easier:
97. clean the clutter out of my bag/ car/ room
98. stop saying "nothing" when asked whats wrong
99. always have pawpaw cream on me at all times
100. delete some of the rubbish of my laptop