Title: Super Junior Facebook Drama (1)
Main Pairings: Kyumin, Eunhae, Sihan
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humour, Romance, fail!crack
Characters: Super Junior
Just some Super Junior Facebook action xD
♫ ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ ♫
The world revolves around the sun, which shines out of my ass )
Comments 28
Overall, it's cracky and funny~ Laugh a lot~ Oh and I love Yunho here~~ <333333333333
Lately I've been watching too much DBSK, and got so used to writing Junsu I completely forgot, sorry >w<
Since my humour/crack has never been really good I'm sorry for the awkwardness in this ^^;;;
Althought the Eunhae bit... ^^ It was meant to be Eunhyuk but I guess it works both ways xD
Thank you so so so much for reading and reviewing *hugs*
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They're all hilarious! esp the Minho one LOLOL xD
My fav is actually Yunho, but Junsu is just super talented~
It was meant to be Park Jungsu, but I got a typo before >w<
Sorry hahaha~
Aww thank you so so so much for reading and reviewing >w<
It's my first time experimenting with crack so I'm not very good but I'll try harder (I swear that sounded really weird O.O)
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It's my first time and crack usually just doesn't work with me so glad you liked it and thank youuuu for reading and reviewing ^^
this was super duper funny XD
I greatly enjoyed it!
Oh, and I am Jackie btw, I like to introduce and be friends with people whos fics I read :)
Hope we can be friends ^_^
I'm Leia (Leah) nice to meet you!
And I'm sure we can~ Thanks for reading and reviewing! xD
i added you as friend, hope you will add me back ^_^
Sorry I was meant to add you, but when I went on your journal I was so distracted by the SJ thingy quiz I totally forgot xD
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