(no subject)

Nov 14, 2010 10:07


Player Info
Player Name: Natalie
Player LJ: gaulish
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle: a nephilim rising
Player Email: anewmight AT gmail.com
Are you 18 years of age or older? uh, yeah

Character Info
Character Name: Cynthia
Character’s Age: Claymores don't know how old they are, but she's probably around or exactly thirty. She looks like she's 16-18 years old, however
Fandom: Claymore :D
Timeline: Post Rabona invasion
Appearance: Cynthia has wide silver eyes, pale blonde hair signature to Claymores, tied in pigtails in front of her very casually. She's a member of the seven ghosts, so Cynthia wears a black leather uniform. Of course, it leaves little to the imagination and looks as if she's wearing underwear, which doesn't seem to fit her seemingly cheerful and almost innocent personality. As with all the girls, she wields a large broadsword, nearly big as her, covered in a black cloak. With her baby face and slender figure, no, she doesn't look threatening in the least and looks as if whipping out her sword would cause her to fall over. She's the more baby-faced of the girls, right next to Clare.

Cynthia stands out amongst her seven peers as the one who's always warm, cheerful, and painfully optimistic. No matter what hardships she has faced or about to encounter, Cynthia really maintains this front. Line her up with the others, and you almost have to feel sorry for her or respect her for putting up with quite a bit. With her appearance, she comes off as a regular girl, oddly enough, despite what she does as a Claymore. Cynthia is a team player, she puts all of her comrades before herself, takes orders without complaining (she really never complains, actually), and does it while keeping a pace. And that cheerful personality really does belay her vengeful nature, of course, her prime goal is to avenge her comrades.

She doesn't press or persist with others, she offers a helping hand and will be there if they change her mind. She isn't above lightly teasing or scolding her friends. As with all of them, she does a great job of masking any past pains and guilt. This seems pretty common for a Claymore -- but it must be stressed despite how they act or look, they're warriors and Cynthia falls underneath that category. Cynthia feels very inclined to keep the memory of her fallen comrades, particularly Veronica, the commander she fought under in the Northern Campaign. There's more to it than that: Veronica was her best friend and arguably someone she knew early on while being employed in the Organization.

Truthfully, Cynthia's really never gotten over what happened in the north. She feels that she is the weakest-willed of her comrades... the weakest of the survivors. She will gladly accept death and often worries that she's a burden. To be blunt, she's a little insecure with herself and maybe a little miserable, carrying something of a survivor's guilt. She's bothered by the fact she isn't as strong as the others, has no talented sword work and is the healer of the group and she wants to do more. And none of this comes out until Cynthia is at her breaking point, near death, in the later chapters. While she pours her heart out, Cynthia really never cries. She won't cry and she still won't complain. She's an absolute sweetheart who will bend over backwards for anyone. Is that annoying? Of course it is, who is anyone fooling. Cynthia is verily much like the sister who won't leave you alone until you do what is right -- just ask Clare.

Like all Claymores, she surpasses a normal human being in healing, speed, strength, temper regulation, and maintaining her body without sustainment. Cynthia is classified as a defensive type, which means her skills and techniques lie more in things such as healing and defensive attacks. Cynthia was ranked number 14 in her time, which means she was fairly good in her defensive nature. Her prime skill is yoki manipulation, like Galatea. Instead of aligning her yoki with others to manipulate their movements in battle, Cynthia manipulates yoki to speed up healing in others, which makes her extremely beneficial to her comrades, so she's often the one who pulls out fallen Claymores and heals them. There is a limit, of course, Cynthia cannot exert herself too much, for the process of doing this is absolutely draining. Regenerating a lost limb is one example -- she'll find herself a little drained for a while afterwards.

Evidently, she appears to have more stamina and speed than a few of her comrades, but not surpassing Miria or Yuma. She bluntly tells Clare not to run off, saying that she would hunt her down very quickly. As with any of the Claymores in game, she's capable of suppressing her aura to nearly invisible and won't be easily detected unless she releases her yoki.

As with Galatea, her speed and strength will be reduced to half of what it is, seemingly, her growth in the north has been null and void. This will also go for her healing abilities, sadly, it'll take longer for her to heal someone else, let alone herself and the process will be draining. Her yoki release, of course, will be limited to once a month, as with all of the hybrids.

Writing Samples
Log/Third Person Sample:
They stayed in the north for seven some years with each other. If she doubted any of them were human, especially herself, just like anyone else, these seven years have certainly changed that. Cynthia came in, not knowing any of the girls and their personalities. But after a time, she became more familiar with their personalities and who she seemed to do better with, personality-wise.

Deneve, honestly, intimidated her. From the get-go, she reminded her of an older sister figure who wasn't really above using harsh words to drive her point across. Especially to Helen, who, admittedly, did slightly take a toll on Cynthia's nerves time to time. Yuma was the one who stayed close to Cynthia -- the two of them clicked almost immediately, after Cynthia helped her recover her missing arm in the north. Both of them had their little support system for one another. Both would equally comment how they didn't feel adiquite enough to each other's skills. Every so often, Cynthia would tease Yuma about the little things, just to laugh at how worked up she would get.

Tabitha, another, who Cynthia would linger near by, trying her best to pick up on her ability to sense yoki from the distance. Their eye, of course, they seemed to get along after it took time to work pass Tabitha's stiff exterior. The others didn't think so fondly of Tabitha and how quick she was to tell Miria anything wrong, but Cynthia was the first to find her to be very kind hearted -- a great asset to their team. Then again, she never saw anything wrong with "tattle tailing", as Helen put it, to Miria, too.

Clare was the last and the most distant. She knew her presence annoyed her, how Cynthia would peek in or follow Clare to ensure she hadn't gone far. She was worried for her more than any of them, the little sister and "wild child" of the group who would veer off, even in the most simple of group activities, like looking for supplies. It had to be Cynthia who had to hunt her down and drag her back.

Miria also intimidated her. The serious and very calculating leader of the group was someone Cynthia tried to please whenever she could. But she was also someone who offered praise and criticism when she needed it and it helped her grow.

By the time the years had winded down, the group was discussing parting, living up to their goals. Cynthia wasn't sure the first time around, but when it came up, a very soft-spoken, yet not entirely timid response came, "I can't return to my hometown. And I want to avenge Veronica."

She could see their looks, a glance or two back to her, especially from Clare and Yuma when it came up. Miria didn't reply, nor did Deneve, and she was sure she could see a a faint look of surprise from Tabitha, and a gaped mouth from Helen, who was more quick to shuffle along.


The question came poised from Clare, who, when the group was getting ready to part, lingered there for a few seconds. Clare was like any other warrior in the Organization; indefinitely emotionally restrictive, stoic, and distant. It never phased Cynthia, who brightly smiled -- she knew it didn't fit with her cheery disposition. It didn't bothered her, maybe a part of her was amused by the reaction from her proclamation for revenge.

"Yes, really. I have every intent to avenge Veronica and our fallen comrades," She sounded rather pleased about it, too, but Cynthia was deathly serious about it. Clare had to know that.

"Funny," Clare had glanced away, just as she was lingering on her feet, ready to leave with the others, "You never come across as the vengeful type."

She laughed, opening her arms, gesturing, "I didn't realize there was a type who wanted to avenge fallen comrades- friends, even."

Though, that's what it was to her -- picking up the sword where her friends and allies couldn't. Veronica was just more than a mere "comrade", she was her best friend and no one would replace her. The pain would stir in Cynthia's heart at the thought and it would never go away. Not ever, not even when Cynthia was up in the morning to grab her black cloak.

The black she would see around her, each and every day on the others. It was a sign of her vow to avenge her friend.

"But I'm serious," The air would change and Cynthia's tone would hardened a bit, following her and the others, "I want to do this. I'll do whatever it takes... for Veronica. For all of you. Veronica would have wanted it, too."

The cold air would soon be a thing of a past and along with the snow that covered the north, that swept away the sight of the other black-clad warriors trailing off with Miria. Suppose that Clare lingering was a bit odd, but... Cynthia could understand the interest. Even the notion of concern in Clare's question.

"I know," Clare brushed that aside, making a point to move forward; she wouldn't stand next to Cynthia, of course. And it would never bother her.

"Take the sword up in their place."

And that is what it was about. Cynthia later that day had to take a glimpse of the makeshift graveyard in the north. All of the fallen were buried there -- the seven of them did this. Their tombstones were their claymores, eerily standing there in the silence and the endless snow in the north.

Taking a look at that is what reminded Cynthia, despite her doubts in herself, that these were the swords that they would take up.

Journal Entry/First Person Sample:
[Did you enjoy that long, awkward silence, complete with awkward shuffling? She doesn't get it. At all. It's as if she's trying to take apart this phone thing and there's really not that much luck.]


I don't get it. Hey... Helen, Clare? I know I saw you two not even an hour ago. If you're trying to avoid me and Tabitha, this isn't going to work.

I couldn't have lost them this quickly...
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