1. There are 30 questions.
2. Answer each question with one name.
3. Next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
4. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme
Comment or PM your email to get the questions, but then you have to do it.
01. Kit
02. Toots
03. Pazzie, 'cause he lives in Wales and knows the crazy language.
04. Maz
05. Hellie
06. Maud
07. Umm... I've a tendency to gravitate around the geeky and the outcasty. Correct me if I'm wrong.
08. Toots and Jess
09. My bras spent the majority of slumber parties in the freezer, so... =\
10. Oh, Toots. One hundred percent.
11. We're all a guarded bunch of bastards, aren't we?
12. Kirds! With the cheeks and the eyes and the omg...
13. Maud. I dunno.
14. Kit. 'Cause she's manly.
15. Maz!
16. Jess
17. Me -_-
18. Pazzie!
19. Of what? Murder? Kit. Baking cookies? Smoops.
20. Obama
21. Toots
22. Everyone. I'm easy to placate.
23. The other Lirie when she's being testy and tries to take over my body and kick people.
24. Umm... most of my acquaintance. I'm very expendable.
25. Mmm, tough one...
26. Eeeeveryone. I'm awesome.
27. Toots. And Jess. And Maz. And Buffy.
28. Oooh. So many ideas... Buffy as a maid, Toots as a dominatrix, Maz as a cat, Kit as a fireman, Kirds as a doughnut, Hellie as a flower, etc., etc.
29. Eh. Can I skip the dating and just marry someone who lives in England for the citizenship?
30. All right, folks, who's adopting me to get my out of the desert? Come on, hands up!