So, it turns out I have a nice group going up to NRT tomorrow night. So far its: me, Nathan, Justin, Ruby, Sean and Brittney, Aida, Tony and Kennon. Who else is going to join us for a rockin 80's party at my bar?
Come and hang out at my bar this Thursday for our first 80's night. DJ Caz is spinning and there will be drink specials and such. Management is pretty excited about this, so I will look really good if I bring a bunch of people out. Oh, and the staff is required to dress in 80's garb, even if they arent working, so you will see me in gear. I am not
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I feel like I got hit by a truck today. Completely exhausted and achy. I dont think I am getting sick, I just think its my bodys revenge for closing Sunday night, getting 4 hours sleep and working all day Monday. Sure, the money is really nice, but the schedule takes a toll on me. I probably need to play catch up. I want to go to the gym but am
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