My new favorite URL:, I certainly hope that interpretation of the Puritan look comes back in for this holiday season...
also -
computers prove yet again that they're more clever than I! It's beat me every single time... damn you, robot twenty questions!
Comments 6
plus, i beat the computer!
You won!
Is it one of these ...
a sign
a pixel
a fire escape
a closet
an exit sign
an exit
the ceiling
a tissue
a light switch
an emergency exit
a bus stop
an electrical outlet
a fire hydrant
a sink
a chimney
and it was a closet, just so you know :)
Also, they don't have dresses for crossdressing men. Oddly, I'm sort of disappointed, even though I don't crossdress and if I did that look would be totally wrong for me.
16. Does it stink? Yes.
15. Is it tall? Yes.
14. Is it comforting? No.
13. Is it annoying? Yes.
12. Is it worth a lot of money? No.
11. Is it awake at night? No.
10. Do people own it as a pet? No.
Does it bite? Unknown.
9. Can it carry people? No.
8. Is it green? No.
7. Can it speak? Yes.
6. Is it killed for its fur? No.
5. Is it a warm-blooded animal? Yes.
4. Is it a small mammal? No.
3. Can it climb? Yes.
2. Does it eat fish? Irrelevant.
1. It is classified as Animal.
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