Title: His Sakura Pairing: Sakumoto (other pairings may be appearing later) Setting: Early Edo period. Historically incorrect and purely fiction. Rating: PG-13 Beta-ed by the lovely
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Jun is so stubborn. It's a good thing Sakurai is too. It's Shun who is the loser in this particular battle. Poor fellow. He didn't deserve to get caught up in their ongoing battle of wills. I am encouraged that although Jun rejects Sakurai on a daily basis, he treasures the dolls he gave him above all else. So next time we will find out how Sakurai ends up in Jun's arms? (Or well to be more accurate lying in a fevered heap on top of him.)
Both are so stubborn lols Their 'battle of wills' is amusing to write but I know poor Shun lols Jun, even with his stubbornness and all still has that nature of being attracted to something pretty, in this case the dolls (even though he knew that they were from Sakurai) perhaps those dolls reminded him of his childhood's wish. Haha yeah, the next chapter will explain how Sho and Jun ended up in the situation earlier in this chapter. Thanks for reading *hugs*
Poor Oguri! xDDDD I wonder how they ended up in the situation you have at the beginning~ You really left me hanging! Thanks for the update :D Will be waiting for the next one!
I have to cut the chapter here otherwise it'll be too long therefore the explanation on how they ended up like that will be in the next one. Haha yeah poor Oguri, being a victim in Jun and Sho's battle of will Thank you for reading! *hugs*
Comments 6
What...and then, what happen??? How funny they are! They make shun dizzy, right??? Waiting for the next...
Well the update will come much sooner
Thanks for reading!
It's Shun who is the loser in this particular battle. Poor fellow. He didn't deserve to get caught up in their ongoing battle of wills.
I am encouraged that although Jun rejects Sakurai on a daily basis, he treasures the dolls he gave him above all else.
So next time we will find out how Sakurai ends up in Jun's arms? (Or well to be more accurate lying in a fevered heap on top of him.)
Their 'battle of wills' is amusing to write but I know poor Shun lols
Jun, even with his stubbornness and all still has that nature of being attracted to something pretty, in this case the dolls (even though he knew that they were from Sakurai) perhaps those dolls reminded him of his childhood's wish.
Haha yeah, the next chapter will explain how Sho and Jun ended up in the situation earlier in this chapter.
Thanks for reading *hugs*
I wonder how they ended up in the situation you have at the beginning~ You really left me hanging!
Thanks for the update :D Will be waiting for the next one!
Thank you for reading!
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