So, some surprising things are coming up with my writing. I'll go into more detail later but for right now, enjoy a scene from my sci-fi series "The Weird Ones". This is just a sample scene I want to include to show the group dynamics later in the series as the pilot is a lot darker and more insular.
The raucous, unpleasant and criminal contents of every bar co-opted as gang headquarters since motorcycles were first conceived. Only this one's really dangerous.
LASKO, (33) isn't the biggest, mangiest or scariest in the place. He's just the most lethal. What he's doing to someone else's girlfriend right now shouldn't be described.
Anyone wanna play darts!
Lasko, as well as the rest of the bar, freeze and turn to the door. Josh, Nate and Stone stand looking around eagerly. The music stops.
I can't believe the jukebox actually shut off.
Relax, lemme handle this.
Josh advances into the room, posture casual, hands in pockets.
So, you guys are bad guys, huh? I don't think we've actually met any real bad guys, yet.
Bad bugs, maybe.
Kid, you're real lost.
Or real stupid.
Dad says I'm both, but that's probably different from what you meant.
SLUTTY steps behind him with a knife while BURLY gets right in his face.
(clears his throat)
We're looking for a guy. About some drugs.
UGLY is also stupid enough to look to Lasko. That's around when the laughter starts.
Not to buy- or anything. This guy's hurting our friends.
More laughter. Burly smirks and throws a punch. Josh does what Josh does. Slutty, Burly and Ugly end up on the ground. Before the fight can really start Stone and Nate are with Josh and everyone is thrown back five feet.
What the hell!
Before this gets ugly... er, let me say we only want our guy. The rest of you can go on- uh, doing whatever you guys do to smell like this.
It's too dark, I can't hear anything specific.
With this, the candles in the room explode into road flares and the room is bathed in orange light. Everyone casts, mishappen shadows across the walls, floor and ceiling.
The guys turn in shock as CASSIE saunters over the prone forms of Slutty and Ugly, Burly having staggered to his feet.
I thought we agreed you'd stay outside.
No, sugar, you told me to stay out and I'm ignoring you.
(kisses his cheek)
But chivalry is sweet when it's not patronizing.
Honey, it's dangerous. These nice people have a tendency toward rape and murder.
Oh, eww!
Cassie looks to Burly, who shrugs and nods.
We have to start going on real dates.
Excuse me? Hate to interrupt but will someone kill them so I can crap on their mutilated corpses?
MANGEY pulls a gun and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. He tries again but the hammer fell. Ejecting the first round, he cocks and loads three more, all fail.
Aw, darlin', it happens to ever guy sooner or later. Don't feel to bad about it.
Mangey continues to fiddle with the gun. Nate's wincing but glaring at one shadow after another. He stops at a twitchy guy near the back.
Him! He knows something. He's scared.
Sweet mouth, ain't none of us 'fraid of you lot.
(nods to Stone)
You should be.
Stone drops a double hammer-blow through the pool table, cracking it wholly in two.
And if any of you lot come pushin' your venom in our town, we'll come for you, too.
TWITCHY, bolts for the back. Josh raises his hand and Twitchy flies back as though he was clothes-lined. Stone lifts him by the scruff and they head for the door.
You think this proves anything?
Nate follows Cassie out, looking over his shoulder at Josh.
Proves we just tossed you in your own place. Might think on that.
Pride cometh before the fall. Think on that.
Josh smirks and exits. Everyone visibly moves again.
I wanna know everything about those snots. And who's been riding to town without my say?
No one can meet his eye.
We're gonna ride them into the-
GUNFIRE. All the shells, Mangey ejected fire at the same time, just as the candles sputter and die.