When I sat waiting for the boat tonight I checked my messages and saw that I had gotten a text-message from Dad. It said "Thank you very much!!!" (Takk skal du ha!!!) I was confused, because it was obviously an angry or sarcastic message, he never uses exclamation-marks in his messages usually. I figured it might be because I hadn't sent a thank-you message for the Christmas-money he'd sent me. I answered, "sorry! Thank you very much for the Christmas-money!"
When I got home, Mum told me that today Trygdekontoret (I don't know the english equivalent for that...it's the part of the state that takes care of stuff like alimony and the likes?) had found out that according to Dad's salary, he's supposed to pay about 2300 or 2500 kroners a month...something like that. But these last two years he has only paid 1800 kroners a month, after a private agreement between him and Mum. The thing is, Mum agreed to let him pay 1800 because he lied about his income, he told her he makes much less than he actually does.
Right after Dad got the papers from Trygdekontoret about extended alimony to support me through vgs, he called me to ask if he and I could have a private arrangement between us about how much he was going to pay...I told him I wanted to talk to Mum first before I agreed to anything on my own. Mum told me to wait until Trygdekontoret had figured out how much he is supposed to pay. Right after that he sent me a message where he asked if 1300 a month was okay, then Mum could pay the other 1300 kroners. Half and half. I told him what Mum had advised me to do.
Everything made me feel very uncomfortable. I don't like feeling like a cynical calculating brat, which I did.
And today I got that message from him. I received at two o'clock today. I reckon, if it means what I fear it means, he sent it right after he read the papers from Trygdekontoret.
Sucks. I don't like it when he's angry with me. I don't like it when I feel I have disappointed him. I want him to miss when I'm gone and brag about me to all his friends because he's so proud of me. But to him, I don't think I'm much else than a mistake at 21.
In other news, I shopped Christmas-presents today. I bought a gift for you too, Gunnhild!