We saw puppies yesterday! AND A CHIMP! Downtown is interesting over here 8D
On the way home I saw HOMOSEXUALS! ♥ They were adoreable! If I had a camera I would've run up to them and taken pictures! xD
I'm running out of time so here's the dream I was talking about last time...
Yeah well...the only part I remember is when Daishi is talking to Lida about J...
Daishi: Si fuera niña me ensuciaria los calconcillos cada vez que J se quita la camiseta y le veo ese cuerpo magnifico...
Daishi: If I were a girl I'd mess my panties everytime J takes off his shirt and I get to see his magnificent body...
Lida: Eres gay o que?
Lida: Are you gay or what?
Daishi: No me escuchastes! Dije que SI FUERA NIÑA me ensuciaria los calconcillos!
Daishi: You're not listening to me! I said IF I were a girl I'd mess my panties!
Lida: Ya no digas que te vas a ensuciar los calconcillos!
Lida: Stop saying that you're gonna mess you're panties!
Yeah, and recently I had a dream where Daishi was all "Take me Lida! Take me hard and fast!" and Lida was all "Okay." xD; That was fun. *___*
I hate how secretive Synectics is being about this "special band thing". It's hard trying not to get my hopes when we know so little ;O;
I've got 16 minutes left and I'm gonna go spend them somewhere else! Whoo!