First off, my usual: hello! Honestly, I'm not very hard to please. I'd rather get something you enjoyed writing that just more or less fits my request than something you forced yourself to write to match up perfectly. Have fun and I'll be happy!
But to help out, I have a few thoughts on each of my requests. For all of these, explicit sex is not a requirement, though I'm not opposed at all, and I'm very character and relationship focused. That's where the good stuff is for me.
1. Wicked Gentlemen - Ginn Hale
I'm a big Ginn Hale fan and, while I love everything about her world-building, what I was left with at the end of Wicked Gentlemen was a desire for more Belimai and Harper together. So what I'd really love from this fandom is something post-novel with these two and their version of romance. A little more exploration of their relationship would be ace!
2. Dark Shadows (1966)
As I write this letter, I'm actually watching Dark Shadows (Leviathans, if this happens to be our mutual fandom). When I made my request I just picked three of my favorite characters, but feel free to include others. My one big thing is that, unlike a large percentage of the online fandom, I'm a Barnabas/Angelique person. So that's always a go with me, but I love character studies of all flavors, with or without romance.
3. Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures
Oh, my beloved Fitz. Eight is my Doctor and Fitz is my companion. If it involves those two, anything is awesome. Gen, ship-y, whatever you want. I'm easy to please!
4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
Yes, this is a Peter Guillam request. I'm also a novel fan, and I know that the sexuality change was just for the film, but I love the whole gay spy thing. So I'd love something exploring that more than the film did, maybe with the boyfriend we see very briefly. Queer lit meets spy fiction - totally up my street. If you are a Le Carre fan, feel free to draw on the novel, too.
5. The Rifter - Ginn Hale
I threw in a second Ginn Hale request at the last minute because I realized it was an option. I'm kind of obsessed with The Rifter and would love something with Jath'ibaye and Kyle (or John and Ravishan!). Throw in some of that gorgeous world-building, a little introspection, and I'll be psyched.