Whossat?: D'rian, Lili
Where-dey?: Weyrling training area
What-do?: Just two friends, hangin' out. o.O Whaaaa?
It's wet out. Very wet. D'rian, judging by the whole 'walking drowned' thing he has going on, has apparently been out in said rain and lost the battle. An equally soaked and more miserable looking Taikath trails in behind him, the young bronze's wings draped out to his sides, trailing pools of water as he crosses the barracks area to where he and D'rian share a space. Upon reaching his cot, D'rian drops to a knee and opens the lid of his trunk where a fresh, non-wet change of clothes is retrieved. Taikath settles himself not too far away, heaving a great, oh-so-burdened sigh.
Lili 's not so keen on the whole 'walking drowned' idea, however good D'rian makes it look. She's under the shelter of the lean-to, taking up most of the spece between her cot and Emieth's couch, performing some sort of bicep curls with not-so-heavy-looking rocks to weight her arms. Funnily enough, there are rabbitskins tied around her ankles, too - rabbitskins with /something/ in them, though it's anyone's guess as to what. Emieth's busy further indenting her shape onto Lili's bed, which leaves her plenty of attention leftover to give to Taikath and D'rian's approach; she courteously warns her lifemate, whose dark blue eyes naturally turn that way. "Aheh," chuckles Lili, dropping out of a curl far too quickly. "You look soaked!"
D'rian, whether from being wet or just himself, shoots an irritated look in Lili's direction. The bicep curls, rabbit skins on her ankles... they all earn a wry shake of his head and a softly muttered comment before he proceeds to pull a threadbare towel from the trunk. D'rian bundles the lot and disappears behind a small covered space to exchange wet clothes for dry, and when he resurfaces it's with the towel draped over his head. "I'd ask what you're doing," he says at last, "But I'm sure I don't want to know." The towel is dropped atop Taikath, earning a flick of the bronzes wings, though D'rian soon joins him and begins wiping him down.
Lili inadvertently stretches her neck as D'rian disappears, trying to peer after him - wait! She catches herself in the action and straightens, turning her focus back to the curls. Aaaaand, one, aaaaand, two. Opposite arm. The bronzerider's voice interrupts her again, and she beams her cheery smile. "Extra exercises that mister J'lor showed me, so I can keep up with everyone else soon enough," she chirps, looking very pleased with herself. "D'you get caught out in the rain?" This much is obvious, and earns D'rian an apologetic look from the greenrider.
"No. I fell into the ocean," is D'rian's quip as he looks up from toweling off Taikath's head. The bronze, head tilted up and eyes lidded shut, thrums with content though cracks one eye open to watch Lili as D'rian does. "You should swim," is his next comment and despite his eyes settling on Taikath, the statement is assuredly for Lili, "And run. Just keep running until you can't."
"Oh." Lili deadpans, dropping her eyes back to her curls again. One, and two, and. Her internal dialogue is quite visible on her face for a long moment - how does one fall into the ocean? Isn't it fairly easy to stay ashore and avoid such a - "Hum." She smiles to herself, considerably less exuberant than normal. "I go to bed with jelly-arms and -legs every night, don't you worry. I'm not a slacker." And three, and four. And five.
"Didn't say you were," D'rian says, either ignoring or not noticing her ocean ponderings, "Just that it's a good way to get better." A jerk of his head toward her arm curls comes before he moves the towel down to wipe Taikath's limbs and sides, "You work on the stitching yet?"
"I'll get right onto it," says Lili, her voice straining a little mid-curl. After this, she decides she's done with the exercise, and lets the two not-so-heavy-looking rocks drop to the ground with two syncopated thuds. They can stay there, for the moment. A poignant look to Emieth creates an inch of space on the edge of her cot, though not without some protest on the dragonet's behalf; she snorts, sighs, and shuffles reluctantly. Lili settles, pleased for her small victory. "I've done some more, yep. Gettin' better. Hey thanks, again, too. You wanna see, or... ?"
D'rian looks toward those stones as they're dropped, then to Lili before nodding. "Yeah, sure." Hanging his towel across the lid of his trunk, D'rian eases out of his crouch and settles on the edge of his cot where he then watches Lili. Taikath, now dry, heaves another deep sigh before settling his head atop his forepaws.
She bends forward, reaching under her cot to withdraw the stitched rabbitskin. Her movements are a little hampered by 'jelly-arms and -legs', but Lili doesn't put forth any complaint. No moaning or groaning here! Then she's up, and dragging her feet (just what is /in/ those rabbitskins on her ankles?) towards D'rian's cot. She offers the skin out before she's finished approaching, her spindly arm locked straight. On it, there is evidence that she's been practicing - eighth and ninth rows are practically all straight, uniform stitches.
D'rian watches closely, frowning at something or another before motioning to the space on the end of his cot. Not quite beside him, but not exactly across the room either. The skin is then taken, and D'rian studies the lines before nodding with quiet approval. "Last few are the best," He says, indicating the eighth and ninth rows, "Just takes practice, see?" Passing the skin back off to her, D'rian motions to her ankles, "J'lor's idea?"
Lili's not as particularly worried about personal space as D'rian, and settles a little closer than he'd indicated. She has reason to, though! "Yeah, this one," see, she must lean in to point to the seventh row, "Wasn't my best work. The last ones took longer, but at least I know I can do it now. Just gotta practice some more, to get faster." The skin is nestled nicely in her lap, and she sprawls her hands out behind her to lean back a little. One after the other, she kicks her feet up off the ground, taking a look at her ankles. "Yep! Rocks on my ankles, to make my legs stronger. He's pretty smart, mister J'lor."
"You'll get it," D'rian says with forced confidence, "Just keep working on it. If you need help, ask." A stiff shrug of one shoulder comes dangerously close to clocking the greenrider, and D'rian realizes such only /after/ the fact. "Yeah he's real smart." D'rian, more dry then earnest, looks toward Lili as she kicks her feet out. That she's sitting closer then he prefers isn't something he coments on. Instead, it's something out of the clear blue. "Your dad's L'ril, yeah?" His eyes switch over her face, likely trying to place resemblence from one to the other.
"Hey thanks, I will." Lili's too busy swinging her feet to avoid any blow that D'rian's shrug might deliver, but thankfully luck's on the little greenrider's side and it's a near miss. She blinks a few times as he mentions her father, blinking the brownrider's same blue eyes up at D'rian innocently. Far more innocently than L'ril himself could ever blink. "Yep," she confirms with a small smile. "Whyssat?"
"You don't look it," is D'rian's reply as he hands her skin back to her, "Don't act it either." Such might be a compliment. Knowing D'rian, however, it's not. To her question, he shrugs - the opposite shoulder this time - "He proud of you, L'ril?"
Lili's smile grows to that grin she so often flashes, and she jerks her head to shake some straying hair from her eyes. "Everyone says that. I guess I must look like my mum, hey? No big deal - it's better that girls don't look like boys, innit?" Swing, swing, swing go her feet. It's good exercise, actually. She pauses to think, shrugging thoughtfully. "I reckon so? He knows I've always worked hard at my chores, and he likes Em, but Selkoth doesn't really because she annoys him because he's old." A beat. "M'uri, that's your dad, yeah? Is he proud of you?"
"Who's she?" D'rian, so easily retrieving the brownriders name, fails to do with Lili's mother. He looks aside to her again, covering whatever annoyance he must be feeling at her constant flutter kicks rather well. Her annnecdote too, because there's only a dry smile to it before he answers her question with a nod of his head. "Yeah, that's my dad. I guess he is." A quick shrug, "Haven't talked to him much, lately."
"Um, her name's Emmeline," Lili shoots back, staring intently at D'rian. "She died when I was born, but." Which is why you can't find her name in your memory banks, the pause after this seems to communicate. Swing, swing, swing. If he's not going to speak up, she can't stop annoying him, can she? "Yeah, it's hard to find time to see them, hey? Em bugs Selkoth lots, but I only really speak to Dad at dinner, sometimes. But I think he's proud. He smiles like he is, when I tell him about stuff."
"Use to get their names mixed up," D'rian says with a wry smile, "Selkoth and Kelkoth. Dad hated it," D'rian looks away, to Taikath who he then motions to with a flick of his fingers, "Taikath wants to know more about him. Doesn't bother asking though." Nodding to the later half of what she's said, D'rian adds, "He is. Proud, that is. Has no reason not to be, you know?" A look to her tries to convey what he won't be saying aloud: that she was a rider and there was a great deal to be proud of about that.
Lili giggles, flicking her hair back again with another jerk of her head. "Yeah, I've heard that story from Dad. It's funny that their names are so close, hey?" Swing, swing, swing. "Taikath looks like he already knows everything, don'tcha reckon?" She casts a glance to the bronze dragonet, twisting her grin a little lopsidedly. "He looks smart, I mean." As for her father, "Yeah, I know. I reckon he'll be proud as long as I do my best. You can't ask for more than that, canya? I bet M'uri's proud of you, too. Even if you are friends with a greenrider!" She giggles again, poking her tongue through her toothy smile.
D'rian, typically of very few words, starts to look a little anxious by the time Lili gets done talking. There are any number of valid reasons for that. Her long windedness, certain words, the giggles and tongue poking, the constant feet swinging... "Taikath's different," D'rian confirms with a small smile, "Smart. He's smart." There's a pause in which he shifts, trying to get more space between them. "Dad - he will be. We'll graduate and he'll be proud." There's another good, long pause before he says, "Did he ever tell you? About her?" Emmeline, possibly.
To be fair, the swings are getting shorter as her legs tire of lifting the extra weight at her ankles. But they're still there to annoy D'rian unintentionally. "He looks smart," Lili repeats, with another quick glance to Taikath. "Aw, come on. He's already proud-a you, why wouldn't he be? You're just fishin' for compliments, now," she jostles, one hand moving to ease an itch at her neck. "Huh? About her... you mean my mum? Uh, little bits, yeah, when I asked." Eyes dart from side-to-side, cautiously. She lowers her voice. "Canya keep a secret?"
"Fish.. no," D'rian abruptly stops the question and shakes his head before leaving that topic alone entirely. To her later question, D'rian narrows a look at her that is wary at best. After a pause, however, he nods his head. "Yeah, sure." A beat, then, "What's wrong?"
Lili sniffs, leaning in a little closer to reveal the piece of privileged information. "I have the same name as her," she whispers. "Emmeline. But everyone calls me Lili, ever since I can remember." She leans back again, nodding with wide eyes to try and convince D'rian should he not believe her. "Cool, huh?"
"That's..." D'rian, for a long time, can not say anything more. But eventually he does. "Yeah, that's cool, Lili." Pitty the whole furrowed brows and thin lips don't help him sound very convincing. "So, um," A glance to the outside where it is no longer raining, "If you, you know, need help or whatever-" D'rian, hastily standing and moving to the exit, "Just, you know... ask or something."
D'rian never sounds very convincing when it comes to positive feedback, so Lili doesn't take his response in offense. She gathers up her rabbitskin from her lap, taking his cue as he rises and doing the same. "Sure, I'll do that. Make sure you don't tell, hey?!" She taps a finger to her nose, a gesture obviously stolen from somewhere, for it looks out of place on her. "If there's anythin' I can do to help /you/," and from her tone, she clearly doubts there is, "Just ask me too, hey? I'm busy with extra exercises and stitchin'-practice, but I can try and help out. If you need. Or whatever."
D'rian, being the nice guy that he now tries to be, hesitates as she starts talking and half turns to watch her. The nose tap and subsequent offer gain a thin smile and a nod, before he half lifts a hand, "Sure thing, Lili. Later." Turning around to face the open entrance, D'rian heads out. Taikath, having chosen to stay put, opens both eyes to watch Lili and Emieth.
"He's funny, hey," Lili notes to Taikath, before dragging her feet back over to her own cot and nudging Emieth out of her way to sit down. Oh, she'd love to skip her way back there, but all that leg-swinging has her wiry pins tired out! Since she's got it handy, she takes up her stitching for some more practice whilst Em snoozes on.