I think it's time we take our LJ relationship to the next level... the next time you post... would you... well... allow me to lick your post? Just a small lick, it will hardly muck up my screen? I'll be quick and stop if you say it hurts. He! He! ;-)
HEY!!! I noticed your most recent entry in picturewhores and I like your style and artistic eye, I've been checking out a lot of your photography on your web site and they are superb: Pure brilliance. I hate to sound like some kind of advertiser, but by being in the community I've noticed a significant difference between the arty people and the "I'm bored let me use my webcam" types. A friend and I started a community for artistic portraits, identitylove , if you're interested, please feel free to check it out and join! lotsa love leesh xxx
Comments 13
But yeah, also, I like looking:D
I noticed your most recent entry in picturewhores and I like your style and artistic eye, I've been checking out a lot of your photography on your web site and they are superb: Pure brilliance.
I hate to sound like some kind of advertiser, but by being in the community I've noticed a significant difference between the arty people and the "I'm bored let me use my webcam" types.
A friend and I started a community for artistic portraits, identitylove , if you're interested, please feel free to check it out and join!
lotsa love
leesh xxx
OK, I'm in! I joined... let's see, should I start with my Jungle Boy? Yes, I'll do that. :-D
Cool picture, but looks like a photoshop error. :) I did one on my complextion, eyes, and lips.
If your interested in seeing my photo manipulation Click here
This picture is from Nov. 7th, 2003, and taken off from a webcam, so it's a little old.
I love manipulating pictures. :)
Anyways, I came across your journal through ( ... )
Thanks for the comments, I'm quite good in photoshop, but for this I had to struggle and make it amature looking. ;-)
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