Doors are harder to slam in the summer. says: DONT TALK ABOUT FEET Doors are harder to slam in the summer. says: stop it Got a buzz in my head and my flowers are dead says: i like this conversation though Doors are harder to slam in the summer. says: stop it Doors are harder to slam in the summer. says: im so fucking weird
Are there no terrorist attacks in the world today? Why the hell is the headline on BBC news a story of a kid throwing a brick at some other kids head? Not meaning to sound harsh or anything like that, but im more interested in the state of affairs in the middle east right now.
Daniel says: id still fuck a horse says: well if you mean then, then i dont wanna be with you. Daniel says: HAHA says: i dont want a boyfriend who would fuck a horse.
Im so tired right now, it's placing me in a conundrom. I want to go home to my own bed to sleep, but in order to do that I need effort, of which i have none right now coz im so tired. gah.
Snakes on a Plane was more than i could have asked for.