Setting: To begin, Outside Benden Weyr
Players: T'ral, Ginella
Synopsis: A day or so after Aneleth clutches, T'ral comes to visit again. Things happen. Some big, some small, some big that they pretend are small, some that seem small but will likely end up big in time.
It's been about a seven and a half since Ginella left High Reaches and finally Aneleth has clutched. She's spent most of the last two days with the queen, awaiting the eggs, watching their arrival, helping keep an eye on them the first day, but has slipped away this evening, coordinated a meeting. The meadow they picnicked in last seven isn't far outside the weyr, just off the road that leads down to a tavern T'ral is probably quite familiar with. The weather is still gorgeous, so she looks to've walked the distance herself, meandering along through the grass at an easy pace, a faint breeze ruffling her skirt and hair as she eyes the stars and watches for Darageth's familiar shape to appear above.
Darageth bursts in from between to wheel down in his customary long, slow circle, taking in the ground below him before he picks out the place to land -- that care taken despite the fact that he landed there only a handful of days before. His rider is impatient, and T'ral hits the ground with a thump. If the darkness keeps his grin hidden, it's audible in his voice, as he turns to thump his brown affectionately. "Is she here yet? I can't see in the dark, have a look." Darageth obliges, lifting his head, and turning it unerringly towards Ginella, although perhaps it's not his eyes he uses to find her. His rider's head turns an instant later, on an unspoken cue.
Ginella looks up as Darageth appears, staying where she is til he has his landing spot picked out, then angling off the path to head towards them. She's close enough by the time they land to hear T'ral, and laugh, calling back, "You need your eyes checked!" She picks up the pace a little, smiling as she meets the brownrider, reaching up for a hug. "Hi," she smiles, "Thanks for coming." A kiss for his cheek, and she's back down on her heels. "I just... needed to get out for a bit, you know? Feel like I've been in the hatching cavern for a week straight." She can't see his hair, but she combs her fingers through it anyways, anticipating the way the helmet presses it, and smiling. "How've you been? How's everything at Reaches?"
"You're a sight for sore ones," her brownrider replies, wrapping his arms around her as she settles back down onto her heels. "Forget Reaches, everything's the same. D'ven's yelling at weyrlings and probably having the time of his life with it, Br'ce is considering nervous breakdown over new formations, the usual." His arms tighten, so he can lift her off her feet, and turn in a slow circle, kissing her slowly. "A queen egg," he murmurs against her lips, as he sets her down. "Well done, you."
"You too," Ginny agrees with a smile that turns into a light laugh as he describes D'ven and Br'ce. "Poor thing, nobody to go out drinking with you? I see why you're here, now." It's a cheerful tease, and she grins as he lifts her, a faint note of surprise turning into a louder laugh before he kisses her. "I didn't have a thing to do with it," she says, still grinning as he sets her down, "I'll let Ane know you're impressed, though. She's quite pleased with herself. Weyrleaders seemed pleased. M'arik just about broke one of my shoulderblades, or something, so I'm taking that as approval." She smiles up at him, running a hand back through his hair, "Not sure what it'll mean for me, exactly, but it's good for the weyr, so...."
"Quite right," T'ral agrees cheerfully, picking her up to turn in another circle. "Couldn't get a better offer, so here I am. You get to take credit along with Ane, that's the way it works. Enjoy yourself, Sunshine." Another kiss, before she's set down another time. "It won't mean anything for you, you're still older, more experienced, and you've been to Caucus.' There's a squeeze to go with that reassurance, as he tilts his head into her touch. Then, more soberly: "Perhaps I'm being naïve. Is there anything we can really do, though?"
Ginny laughs as he lifts her again, clearly enjoying it. "I see how it is," she replies, cheerfully joking as she gets twirled around. "I'm enjoying myself now!" she grins in response, smiling widely through the kiss and as she's set down. The squeeze earns him a softer smile, and she plays with his hair before sliding her hand down to cup his cheek briefly, kissing the corner of his lips. "Nope, not a thing we can do other than what I'm supposed to be doing already," she says with a shake of her head. "It doesn't really change the situation. I mean, I knew it was coming, sooner or later. With Jannali almost done, two golds wouldn't be enough. Lamre's still first, I'm still where I was. Still need to do -something-, but this just... I mean, I guess maybe it makes it just a bit more urgent." She shrugs.
"It was coming," T'ral replies, thoughtful, though his good cheer is hardly drowned out. "Still, better you than one of the others, at least it's a feather in your cap, Sunshine. I have been thinking, I just don't know. I don't know the answer, and I don't know who to go to for advice about it. She'll be almost ready to come to Caucus by the time you're done, if they send her after her first flight. Doesn't change our timeframe for when we're coming home, though."
"It was," Ginella echoes, though she's still cheerful enough, also. A pleasant change from the moodiness that kept seeming to strike in the sevens before she left for Benden. "True!" she adds, shooting him a smile, "Makes Ane and I look rather good. I'll be interested to see who she chooses, of course. That'll make a big difference. Never know these days, do you?" A hint of a snort, and she leans her side against his chest, bumping him a little. "Right, doesn't change our plans, for the moment. Or for this moment," she adds, "Ane's all set for ages, I talked her round. You want to go for a drink, or walk down towards the river, or just flop here for a while?" A quick, bright smile that makes clear she doesn't care: "I'm glad to see you."
"Reckon we're safe," T'ral replies, arms going around her once more. "Reaches used up all the surprise impressions for the turn, Ane's'll be solid and boring, the way we prefer it." Her question prompts a thoughtful frown, and then a glance back to Darageth, who rumbles, soft and low, and then a glance up at the stars. "Getting pretty late," he muses. "Most people'll be eating. Why don't we go see Ane instead, so I can congratulate her in person?"
Ginella laughs, leaning into him as he wraps her up. "Jays, I'd hope so! Predictable, that's us. I'll be very pleased with that." She just smiles, waiting easily for him and Darageth to make their decision, perfectly content with whatever option he chooses. When he suggests visiting Aneleth, she blinks, pausing for a brief second in surprise before she gathers herself and pretends it's not a big deal. "Good idea," she agrees with a pleased smile, "She'll be happy for the visit." She tilts her head up to look at him, or at least at his chin, "You want to walk or fly?"
It is, of course, a big deal, and his squeeze signals silent thanks for her ignoring that fact. "We'll fly, Dara has his two bits to chime in. I think he misses her. She won't mind if he sits on one of the viewing ledges inside the cavern, will she? We can just sit up in the galleries." He begins to unwind his arms, so one big hand can go around hers, as he turns for the dragon, who's already lifting his head.
Ginella is doing a very good job of ignoring it, other than a constant smile. She gives him an answering squeeze and nods, "Of course he can! She'll be pleased to see him, too." She grins as he says Darageth misses the gold, and as they unwind and move toward the brown, she pats his side, "I think she misses him, too. They've gotten awfully close, it seems like." A smile for the brown, and then for his rider as she lets him help her up into the straps, fixing her skirt as she waits for him to be ready. Another bright smile, "Off we go, then." Before he changes his mind!
Before he changes his mind indeed. T'ral's silent as he mounts up behind her, and there's an element of tension in the way he holds himself, one arm unnecessarily around her, for the short flight to the weyr. Darageth evidently announces himself to the watchrider without hesitation or incident, and angles in with uncustomary directness for the mouth to the hatching cavern, settling at the back of the galleries on the viewing ledges with a low rumble for Aneleth. His rider is silent, as he unbuckles, looking down to the hatching sands even as he reaches to help Ginella down.
Ginny can't help but notice the tension, so she leans back into him, wrapping both her arms around the one of his, and tilting her head back to place a kiss along his jaw as they fly. She manages to stay relaxed, somehow, a exhalation faintly deeper than normal as they land the only sign that she was nervous at all, about anything. She lets T'ral help her down, and immediately twines her fingers through his to hold on, just in case. The other hand smooths her skirt, and then her hair, then she gives him a bit of a tug. "Come see them, then," she smiles, as Aneleth croons a greeting to the brown and the riders. The eggs are all spread out, each carefully surrounded by sand, the gold egg displayed prominently, closest to where Aneleth lies. "She's very proud of herself," Ginny shares with a grin, "She doesn't mind us, though." In fact, she's saying hello to Darageth right now, warmly, pleasantly surprised at the visit and not just because it makes Ginella so happy.
"Show me," T'ral grins, and though it's not quite his usual, it's a pretty good imitation. He follows her down through the galleries, to come up against the rail, and look down to where Aneleth and the eggs keep the sands full. Darageth, venturing something beyond his usual silent presence, returns the queen's greeting as he settles. "Man, this is memories," the brownrider murmurs, folding his arms along the barrier as he looks down to the sands.
Ginella smiles back and leads him down to the rail, keeping a hold on his hand the whole time. She steps up to the rail, then shifts to rest against his side when he joins her. A brief glance over her shoulder, and a smile for Darageth's greeting, which causes the queen to rumble pleasantly. She shifts, nosing the gold egg forward a bit, to show it off for T'ral. Ginella grins a bit, only to wince at T'ral's words. "Awful memories," she mumbles in response. Aneleth takes issue, looks at her, and she qualifies, "Of us, anyways."
"It's beautiful," T'ral calls down with a laugh, leaning further over the railing to get a look, as he slings an arm around the gold's rider. "You clever thing, Ane." The smile gives way, briefly, to a grimace at Ginella's reminder, and he nods. "Long past," he replies, shaking his head. His face is made for smiling, and that's what returns, quickly enough.
Aneleth croons her response to T'ral's approval, giving him another moment, and then rolling the gold egg back closer in and tucking it in, again. Ginella grins at all this and turns into the brownrider as he gets an arm over her shoulders, slipping hers around under his coat to draw close. "-Long- past," she agrees, "Thank goodness." He gets a squeeze, and then she's smiling again. "Ane's very pleased with you two, now," she shares, "She says thanks." Ginella just stands for a minute or two, just like that, then casually offers: "You want to sit? Or come in?" The last is accompanied by a faint nod towards a door nearby, that leads to the Queens' weyrs.
"Is she just?" T'ral replies easily, continuing his survey of the eggs, his movements echoed by the brown who perches behind them, heads turning in unwitting unison. "For what, for coming? Probably overdue anyway." His casual tone dismisses his presence, and a shrug completes that. He turns his head back towards the doorway to her weyr, hesitating a moment. "I don't know, Sunshine, whatever you like."
"She is," Ginella confirms with a grin, "She loves showing it off - all of them, even, and you two have never seen one of her clutches, so it's even better. Plus she missed talking with Dara, I think, like I said." She smiles, letting his dismissal stand, shifting out of the way of his shrug. She lets him hesitate at the question, lets him look to the door, and take a moment to think. She's not going to push, and when he puts the choice in her hands, she thinks for a moment, too. Finally she straightens, releasing her hold on his waist to go for a hand. "I'd like if you'd come in, then," she says with a smile, adding, to trivialize it a bit, "I've spent more time in this cavern the last couple days than anywhere else. Eggs're lovely, but I've had enough of it." If he remained in agreement, she leads slowly toward her weyr.
There's a moment's pause, as T'ral's large hand envelops hers, and he looks down at where they're joined as he chews on the inside of his cheek, jaw shifting. Then he nods, and moves after her, shortening his strides so that he doesn't overtake her. "Still the same in there, or have you done it up?" The question is light, hiding what might almost be nervousness.
Ginella gives him that moment, too, standing and waiting, but not tugging him along. When he moves she does too, hiding a brief smile as she leads the way down through the anteroom towards her weyr. "Still the same," she tells him with a shake of her head, "Didn't bring any furniture with me to Reaches, so it's all still there. Just missing a lot of my clothes. And not as much hidework around as you might remember, either," she jokes lightly. And then they're there, and she opens the door to head in. Sure enough, its just as he'd remember it, just a bit less lived-in.
"Well, never objected to you having fewer clothes," T'ral replies with a grin, following her in, and casting his gaze over the weyr that was once so familiar to him. Her hand's dropped, so he can walk forward, and make his inspection. "Bigger than I remember," he murmurs, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling. "Funny, things are usually smaller. This could..." He nods, turning in a slow circle. "I could look forward to this again."
"Don't count on me running out," Ginella replies with a laugh for his grin. She lets his hand go to shut the door behind them, then moves absently toward her desk as he looks about. Nothing new delivered, it seems, or nothing interesting, anyways, as she looks back up, smiling. "Little bit bigger than at Reaches," she agrees, "Ceilings high, though, so...." Looks bigger than it is. She smiles as he finishes his circle. "Good," she says, "Like I told you, the bed's far too big without you, and your weyr here is all right, but not as convenient." There's a moment's pause, then she straightens up off the edge of the desk, and nods towards the big couch in front of the hearth, "C'mon, let's sit. You want something to drink?"
"Well, we've got a turn and a half before we have to come back," T'ral replies, his tone hinting that this is not completely unwelcome. "Does it feel like home, Sunshine?" He alters course, heading over to the chairs, so he can thump down into one. "Sure, grab me something to drink."
"We do," Ginella agrees, already heading to a cabinet near the fireplace to find a bottle of wine. She pours them each a glass, turning to shoot him a grin over her shoulder as she recorks the bottle, "It does now that you're here." She brings the glasses over, planting herself on his lap in the chair. "Reaches is cozier, but that's mostly because we live there, I think." She clinks her glass gently against his, then takes a sip, "We can make this place home, too."
"Mmm, I suppose so," T'ral murmurs, shrugging off that part of the conversation, non-committal. "Now you've got her settled, are you going to try and come back for some of your classes, or won't she put up with it?" He is, indeed, making himself at home -- legs stretched out comfortably, hand out to take the glass. A flashback a handful of turns.
Ginella shifts on his lap, getting comfortable, setting her arm around his neck. "Hmm," she replies, with a little shake of her head for the question, "I'm not sure. I was planning to, we'd been doing better, but with the gold egg... she's a little more anxious than sometimes. I think I'll have to play it by ear, at least for the next seven or two, see how we go. I'd -like- to, but if she really wants me here...." She shrugs, then leans back, just sitting for a moment, and smiling.
"Day by day," T'ral murmurs, settling a hand at her waist. "See how she goes, see how you go." With a grin, he lifts his glass, eyes closing. "I remember this," he continues in the wake of that mouthful. "Place of our own, something to drink, girl in my lap. I suppose it's something to look forward to again. I'm being such a good boy, they can't object. They'll want you happy, golden girl."
"Right," Ginella confirms, leaning against his chest as she sips her wine, a nicer Benden vintage than is usually kicking around at the Reaches. She smiles as he gets nostalgic, and a nods will be felt at the last, "They won't object. And if they try, I'll give them my best Weyrwoman Face. I've been practicing." She grins a bit, takes another sip. "You know the only way I think this might be better?" she says thoughtfully, letting it hang a second before going on, "If we were in my bath."
"Have you just?" T'ral sounds mock-impressed, downing another gulp of his wine. "This is good stuff. What's your Weyrwoman Face like? Bet it's hot." His arm tightens around her, and as her words hang, she has his attention. There's hesitation, though it comes after a split second reaction that consists of beginning to gather her up to lift her. "I should -- I mean, I'm not here long, Sunshine. If someone notices Dara, and comes to say hello..."
"I get early pick out of the shipments that come in," Ginella confides with a smile, before she laughs, and pulls a very non-Weyrwoman face at him. It fades as he hesitates, into a hopeful almost-smile. "I locked the door," she points out finally, "And it's late, nobody goes into the caverns now." A smile, less sure and easy than before, but trying, "C'mon! You going to come all this way and skip the bath completely?" She waits a second, then does her Weyrwoman Face at him. It is stern, it is compelling.
"Privileges of rank," T'ral murmurs appreciatively, leaning in to kiss her neck. "I like rank." Another kiss, lingering, as he noses aside her hair. He draws his head back to reply, only to find himself on the end of her Weyrwoman Face. "Fuck," he observes appreciatively. "You've got that one worked out, don't you? Definitely hot."
"Mmm," Ginny replies, smiling and tilting her head to let him get at her neck, "Exactly. Me too." She watches his reaction to the Weyrwoman Face carefully even as she does it, not stopping til it seems to have sunk in, when she laughs, "That's the idea." It's followed by a blush, then she grins again and nods. "Told you I'd been practicing! Does it work, then?" She teases, turning her head just slightly as if she's about to do it again if he doesn't give in.
T'ral studies her for a long moment, chewing on his lip to try and smother a grin, unsuccessfully. He doesn't use words for his reply, but rather lifts his glass, so he can drain the rest of his wine. Then he unpeels her fingers from around hers, so he can drain that too, and set it down on the ground. And that means he has two hands with which to gather her up as he rises to his feet, lips quirking to a smile that's full of promise as he turns towards the bathroom door.
(Yes, we have matching icons. We are disgustingly adorable. And it still has Ginny on it because we haven't got T'ral pictures.)