[SPN]: Untitled.

May 23, 2009 00:07

Just a little ditty that popped into my head while re-watching the Pilot.

Rating: PG-13, for themes.
Paring: Sam/Jess.
Summary: without one thing in place, the system won’t work and something might get through.


The thing is, four years on, Sam still supernatural-proofs the house. He does it in little ways- the locks and bolts are all iron, and the draught stopper snake is filled with rock salt. There’s salt lined into the paint along the windows and door frames and he puts a protection charm under Jess’ pillow each night, and gets her to wear one on a small bracelet during the day. They all work together, without one thing in place, the system won’t work and something might get through.

Jess thinks his night rituals are a little obsessive compulsive, but she doesn’t call him on it. Sometimes Sam thinks he’s overdoing it, but the fact that nothing’s attacked him yet either means it’s working, or nothing’s there. He doesn’t care to find out which it is. He’d rather keep Jess safe.

So, when Dean shows up and Sam agrees to head off to Jericho, he forgets to tell Jess to make sure the door snake is in place and the doors and windows are bolted. And at the end of the weekend, he comes home to her, home to safety, home that’s home because of all his protection, and Jess is pinned to the ceiling.

fic: 1.01, gen, angst, mentions of het, fic, supernatural

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