It's been a while. Stuff happened but not interesting enough to update, so I'll keep it short:
Got my keys, and got a quick tour through the apartment. As added bonus I won't have to lead UTP cables to the living room, as I've got one running through the walls. To the bedroom, however, which is the place where I'll have to reside for at least 17 days, there's a coaxial cable, which I will have to replace with UTP. Painted a wall of the bedroom. Attempted to paint part of another wall and failed horribly.
This was by far the stressiest day I've had so far. Luckily I have a colleague that actually LIKES to do this stuff, was willing to help out on saturday, AND was savvy on this particular area of painting. How lucky can a guy get? He helped me out big time (as in, without him, I DEFINITELY wouldn't have been done by Tuesday), and we pretty much worked me back to schedule.
Spent the entire day working the texture paint onto two of the walls. By the end, my back was pretty much killing me, but I got the job done properly.
Had my brother to help me out, which was really nice, as working on a big place on your own isn't as much fun as you'd think. We had to repaint a bit of the structure stuff. Some of it came off when removing the protective tape, some of it was accidentally painted over (during painting of the fourth wall) when a protective piece of plastic was mistaken for tape. All in all, this day was one of the quicker ones. As I could not see myself doing the same thing to the living room, I decided to go for fiberglass wallpaper there anyway. As it turns out, I haven't saved THAT much on going for texture paint, €30 at most. It COULD have been €50, if I would've been just a little bit more careful with the glue. But considering this is nearly twice the area of the bedroom, I think fiberglass might have actually been the cheapest solution in the end.
There are other things to consider, though. Fiberglass needs two people to properly put it up, or at least, one very capable person. I am not that person. My brother ended up being pretty capable, though, and together, we put up the entire thing in just over 6 hours, which considering the problems we ran into, is pretty damn quick, if you ask me. There's still some small parts which turned out to be insufficiently glued (my part, so I even failed at THAT!), but since I still have about 4 liters of glue left, that shouldn't be a problem as long as I don't start painting yet. At this point, I was afraid my spine might just burst out of my body and strangle me in my sleep.
My back was still killing me, so I just did the kitchen wall and left it at that. I am no longer bound to a tight schedule, so I can actually take it easy now and just do some paperwork, dishes and laundry. I still gave the kitchen wall a base paint of purple, so that I can start varnishing it before I move in. I don't think I'll like sleeping in the scent of solvents much. :'D
Finished the purple wall. I hope I won't see the irregularities too much, and I'm going to make work of the cabling today. Computer stores don't have what I'm looking for right now, but I heard Gamma might have it. Solutions for replacing the cable are plentiful, so I'm not worried about that, yet. XD
#UPDATE: Gamma had them, albeit for a ridiculous amount of money and I need to find a way to stick them to the socket. Before I do that, though, I need to test the connection, since this is an irreversible process, probably. Also I'll still have to get at least one UTP male connector to connect the UTP cable in the fuse cupboard. After that, shit's going down on saturday.
Next on the todo: Varnish the purple wall, paint the front wall white, revarnish the purple wall, receive the washer (It's new!).
Total losses so far: €401
Total gains through settling for less: €61