Greetings from NY ::waves to all:: So sad to be going home tomorrow::sniff sniff:: but I know all ya'll miss us. ::smiles:: And well, I miss you too. ::wipes tear from eye:: Today was very eventful. A lil' to eventful. And here my story goes....
We headed out early on our adventures. Our first stop... Chinatown ::ohh ahh:: Now boys and girls don't try this at home... We were all involved in some illegal activity today. That's right, we are criminals. Our whole purpose of coming to NY as some of ya'll know, was to buy Louis Vuitton purses. So we go to Chinatown and the mommy goes inside a liitle, eh... street store, jes I call it street store. She starts negotioating with the woman(mommy is good), and all of a sudden ::dun dun dunnnnnn:: three people come out of nowhere, ::poof, they appear:: opens some locked metal gate grab the purses and stashes them into these black trash bags in a matter of 2 seconds. Never saw it coming! Then we go next door to see if they have some, and again.... they run in, open the gate, grab the purse and stash em' (not referrint to THE EM) black trash bags. Suspicious much!!! :o) Mommy needed to go the bank to get some more flow.... so the guy walks the purses with the mommy to the bank. That's right, he escorts her. I, I feel so rebellious. he he
We then go to time square very very nice. Lots of lights and lots of people and lots of bums. Some middle age, bald old guy tried harassing me. He walks by me, tries to grab my hand and says some really lewd comments to me. I shall not say what, but screw him! yeah, :o) It's amazing what guys can say, it's like they've never seen a girl. We walked to Central Park had some encounters with squirels. They're nuts! ha ha, no pun intended. They coot! Then we walked to 5th Avenue. For those of you who don't know what that is ::shame shame:: You don't deserve to live. Its the street with many many many stores. It's famous! We went to H&M, OH MY GOD!!! I love that store. I got me a purse and a pashmina for only $15. We need one in Miami. Bastards! So we go back home. Buy pizza. But dun dun dunnnn...... while em and penn or erm and split p or loopy girdlehead and zippybubblehead ::shakes head:: lol, went to get pizza I stood here and talked on the phone with my friend David who lives here in NY.
Now, I'm done for now... but I will give you a sneak peak of part 2 "The Adventures of da Becky" when I return to Miami. Basically it involves a preying mantis and a spider. Now you'd never think that having those two in a story would be interesting. Ebert and Roper gives it 2 thumbs up. The New York Times says "It was a brilliant piece."