background image URL [website address] or background color: CC9966
font: arial (bold)
font color: CCFF66
font size: 8 pt (spaced out letters l i k e t h i s)
entry box color: CC9966
entry box position [left, right, center]: center
borders around entry box [dashed, dotted, solid, or none]: dashed
border color: CCFFFF
scroll bar color[be specific]: CCFF66 & 996633
position of background image [as a header, or on left or right side or centered]: none
want my comment links to say: # remember when we all | felt infinite
link colors: white
link effects [glow, blur, etc]: flip upside down
cursor type [crosshair, the little double sided slanted arrow thingy (lol), pointer]: crossheir
and anything else you want to add here: please make the entires move and not the entire page.. thanks. ill be sure to credit muchos amounts!