Title: Dignity
lemon_pencilRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Donna.
Disclaimer: The Beeb does far more interesting things with them than I do, so that's why they're theirs.
Warnings/Spoilers: None.
Prompt word: Lost
Author's notes: Response to the
weeky drabble challenge at
doctor_donna. Most people seem to have gone for angst but I haven't been feeling very angsty lately, so this random scene came to me instead. I win at being the latest entry, surely!
Walking the streets of the medieval ages always had its risks. There was no time at all for Donna to leap out of the way when she heard the cry of “Mind out below!” The very next thing she knew, a torrent of soapy water had come crashing down onto her head and had drenched her completely.
“Oh my God!” she cried. Gasping in shock, she was unsure for a moment whether to laugh or cry. The less rational side won and she began to snort helplessly with laughter, doubling over through her shivers of cold. The Doctor, seeing from her reaction that it was okay to find it funny, joined in. Passers-by must have thought it a bizarre sight to behold - two people giggling hysterically with one of them soaking wet - but then they were used to provoking strange looks anyway.
“You’ve got potato peel in your hair,” said the Doctor at last, grinning and reaching over to pluck the offending vegetable matter from her dripping tresses. “At least it was only dishwater - they throw far worse out of windows in these times. You alright?”
“Yeah,” she smiled, sighing and wringing her top. “Might have slightly lost my dignity there, but I’m fine. Back to the TARDIS?”
“Yep. We’ll try the middle ages again some other time."
Draping his jacket round her shoulders, he took her hand and they set off back to the ship.
EDIT: Haha, I just realised that this is my 20th posted fic! *does stupid dance for no reason*