Title: Keeping Him Close
lemon_pencilRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Donna.
Disclaimer: They in no way belong to me, unfortunately.
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoiler for 'The Doctor's Daughter'
Prompt word: Watching
Word Count: 100!!! Woop! At last I have written a proper drabble =D
Author's notes: Response to the
weeky drabble challenge at
She’s been watching him. She thinks he hasn’t noticed, but he has. Since they left Messaline, and Jenny’s lifeless body, she’s been keeping him close at all times. The Doctor’s got it worked out. Donna’s worried he’ll fall apart; that’s why she won’t let him out of her sight. When he looks up, he catches her looking away and knows she’s been checking he’s alright. He’s decided to ensure he stays strong to show her he’s fine - after all, he’s always alright.
She knows him better than he does. When the bitter tears finally come after three days, she’s there.