Look what I found in my mailbox today...
Finally! ♥
I'm the worst fan ever, I missed my chance to buy a ticket in December and the tour sold out quicker than popsicles on a hot summer day. But I was busy and in denial and had no time to hate myself for it. The self-hatred came in February and I ask my friend ebay for help, but (s)he tried to rip me off. :| My hope faded and I was ready to start moping and crying, when I found a 'buy it now' auction early Tuesday morning. Yay!! (One of the advantages of getting up before everybody else does.)
I'm one hell of a happy camper right now. =) I might even take pictures, ha! :D
While I'm at it, I'm gonna do the meme that almost everyone did in the last few days.
buzziecat tagged me. Here goes.
[The rules: people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.]
I won't force anyone. Feel free to do it. Or not.
01. Make a list of 5 things you can see:
* a picture of my godchild
* a necklace
* my telephone
* CDs
* flowers
02. Would you ever get plastic surgery?
Not at the moment.
03. Is there anything in your fridge right now that you would never eat/drink?
My flatmate is on holiday for a few weeks, so no.
04. What occupation would you choose if you 'did it over'?
Media critic. *evil laugh*
05. Do you sleep a lot?
06. Who is someone you admire and say why?
Hello Kitty, cause she needs no mouth, she speaks with her heart and the Powerpuff girls, they are tiny, but save the world before bedtime, just like me. ^.^
07. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Queer as folk
08. What was the last thing you ate today?
Potato salad
09. What was the last text message you received?
From my mom: Am Samstag sind Mando Diao bei 'Wetten dass.' [Mando Diao are on 'Wetten dass' on Saturday]
10. What websites do you visit often when you go online?
LJ, yahoo, gmx, wikipedia, youtube, google, ebay, forums
11. What was the last thing you bought?
A book.
12. What are you listening to right now?
'By the monument' by Maximo Park
13. Does the weather affect your mood?
Yes, especially heat.
14. What is your your zodiac sign?
15. Do you use Wikipedia to look stuff up?
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
18. What are your favorite accessories?
Earrings and bags.
19. What movie do you recommend that people see?
Milk. Especially when you wanna make your mother cry on her birthday.
20. Say something to the person who tagged you:
I visit your journal whenever I'm feeling down. I love your layout, it's like diving into a bowl of sunshine and cotton candy. =DD