Hugs please.

Jul 10, 2009 10:43

I'm so unhappy, I could die. Crying my eyes out before 7 a.m., that's a first.
I clearly wasn't prepared for this, I wish I had known some spoilers for the latest Torchwood episode, woe. I simply can't and won't believe that Ianto is dead. It's bad enough they took Tosh and Owen, but him? No, just NO! Watching him die in Jack's arms, begging him not to forget about him was just a tad too painful for my poor, little heart. :(
I don't care how, but they have to bring him back. Have to, have to, have to. So, if any of you know anything about the final episode, let me know, PM me if you like, because I'm leaving for my mom's right after work this evening and I won't be able to watch the finale until Sunday night. And if there's one thing that drives me craaaaazy it's not knowing what's going on.
So, hugs...I desperately need them, keep them coming, please. *opens arms*

Yes, I'm rather crushed and my heart literally aches. :/ Great, even the sky is crying now.
Ack, bloody writers!

PS: You're right, this post is very incoherent, but I cannot be held responsible for that, blame it on my overemotional alter ego.


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