Heh. I was listening to National Public Radio this evening. Yeah. My *age* coming out is disgusting - or maybe it's because I live at home (??) but I love Saturdays... 6 - 7:00pm Prairie Home Companion! (And 3:00-4:00pm "Wha'd Ya Know") (And 11:00 am - Noon "You Bet Your Garden"... my old neighbor was on in January talking about the community garden I used to be a part of when I live in Phoenixville) http://www.whyy.org/91FM/ybyg/200601.html *Can you tell I cleaned the basement all day... I'm too chatty!
I wish I had something cool to reply with...but I don't often turn to NPR. I loved it during the election period. I was listening to "The Current" which is all music all the time, mostly indie stuff. I'm a horrible, horrible Minnesotan to admit I've never heard Prairie Home Companion (GASP!)... not that I'm not unfamiliar with Garrison Keillor.... my secret it out..
I never listen to the radio -- the stations here just play the worst music ever. And the talk-radio stuff just isn't my thing. ;-)
See, you're exotic and didn't know it! :-D Though I do think green is a hard color to wear well. I can wear very dark green and be ok. If I wear anything remotely olive/yellow-green, especially like a shirt, it clashes with my skin so much that I look ill. Which is why I've never had green hair. lol
Lately my colors tend towards true red and cobalt blues. With purple and black for interest.
I never do either, unless we're going out of town, then I turn into master (annoying) station flipper. I usually stream stuff from the internet. You'd probably like the station I was listening to. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/radio/services/the_current/
I had green hair. That is the WORST color when its fading out it becomes army green/pukey. Awful.
You do know that I most desperately want to see pics of you with green hair!?! *gives puppy dog eyes*
The stations here are all about stuff like Creed and Fuel and what I like to term "sensitive macho rock" -- though John calls it "Cock Rock." lol I hardly ever think to stream radio when I'm online, I'm going to check that out!
Yeah -- I worry about the fading for green. My purple has faded to GREY. lol How lovely!
I'll totally get that picture for you. I'm also wearing a shirt with a picture of uncle sam that says: Join the army! Travel to exotic lands, meet the people and then kill them. Only they say it slightly better than I just did. I must remember!
Haha sounds like a lovely person. I have people come up to me to tell me I look like Björk and wishing they would too. :) That sure helps on a bad hair day when I feel like I was the ugliest slimebag around and someone comes and tells me they want to look like me. :)
I wish I had a style. I just wear what I find. I just noticed that most of my clothes are hand outs from my sister.. I need to find something of my own, I guess. :)
Comments 8
*Can you tell I cleaned the basement all day... I'm too chatty!
*Night =)
Be as chatty as you like!
See, you're exotic and didn't know it! :-D Though I do think green is a hard color to wear well. I can wear very dark green and be ok. If I wear anything remotely olive/yellow-green, especially like a shirt, it clashes with my skin so much that I look ill. Which is why I've never had green hair. lol
Lately my colors tend towards true red and cobalt blues. With purple and black for interest.
I had green hair. That is the WORST color when its fading out it becomes army green/pukey. Awful.
The stations here are all about stuff like Creed and Fuel and what I like to term "sensitive macho rock" -- though John calls it "Cock Rock." lol I hardly ever think to stream radio when I'm online, I'm going to check that out!
Yeah -- I worry about the fading for green. My purple has faded to GREY. lol How lovely!
I wish I had a style. I just wear what I find. I just noticed that most of my clothes are hand outs from my sister.. I need to find something of my own, I guess. :)
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