so here i am again after another month or so. the school year ended pretty well; exams went fine and had some good chilling before leaving.
it was strange to see everyone slowly filter out, and to think that this was the last time i'd be walking from my dorm to the music building, or to parul's dorm, or wherever. and then, of course, there was the last night i spent at uva--i was studying for my last exam (at 9 am) and went to brush my teeth around 2:15 or so when one of the girls came out and was like, "let's go streaking! it's our last night as first years!" (one of the uva traditions is to streak the lawn area, which is basically central campus. you run from the rotunda down the lawn to the statue of homer, kiss his butt, then run back and peep into the keyhole of the rotunda and say "good night, mr. jefferson") another girl and i tried to get out of it, but all four of us ended up going. mind you, this was the night that we had had a tornado watch and a giant thunderstorm. by 2:30 am (when we left the dorm), it was still drizzling heavily.
so 4 girls and one guy (whom 3 of us had never met) streaked the lawn around 2:45 am. it wasn't so bad, actually--we just freaked out during the 15-minute walk over, hahaha. on the way back we ended up climbing to the roof of one of the dorms. it was a little precarious and scary, especially during the rain, but the view was breathtaking. we got back probably around 3:30 or 3:45 and crashed.
i slept for 4 hours and then took my music exam, resold my textbook to the bookstore (for which i was given a $50 bill and a quarter--i love that combination), and met some people for lunch. it was sort of like a last gathering of the first-years in opera viva before splitting up for the summer. at this point, i was so excited to go home, but it was starting to hit me that the year was over, and i was sort of upset about leaving after all. i came back to my room to find that my roommate's stuff was all packed, making the room look pitifully bare. once my parents and i got all my stuff down to the car, i looked back at the room in which i'd lived for the past year and, stripped of our belongings, it looked so plain and alien; not at all the familiar place in which i'd spent so much time, in which my suitemates and i had so many late-night conversations, in which drunk friends had crashed after a late night, and so many other things. i was very quiet on the drive home.
and since being back, i've been so excited to see everyone whom i've missed so much. it's funny--although i have good friends at school and i get along really well with them, i still feel like my "real" friends are all of these people, my friends at home.
last week i went to wis and saw a lot of old teachers. it was so great to talk to mme gubser and ms. bell and kerri...interestingly, mr. chow looked at me and couldn't bring my name to mind. after 3 years in his class! *sigh*
i also went to an elementary school reunion thing, which was basically a lot of awkward small talk. it was interesting, though, to see how so many of them remembered me as a writer, and asked me if i'm still writing. i haven't written seriously since middle school, which is why i tried to get back into it last semester by taking a fiction writing class. but the thing is that at wis i'm known for theater, while even the teachers from nps who had me pretty young, like 1st or 2nd grade, asked about writing. i was taken aback that i have this reputation, and i wish i had more to show them...
a couple of uva friends came up the other day and we saw an opera at the kennedy center ("Tamerlano" by handel), which was a lot of fun--it was a great show and then they slept over and we chilled, it was good stuff. interestingly, i ran into my old choir director (ms. g) at the opera--it was random as hell!
so that's pretty much what's been up recently...i'm looking into taking a class somewhere, maybe at's really up in the air. so we'll see what happens with that.