............................ >_o That gets a combined wtf/XDXD/man, that takes cajones/jeez, he's not that good looking for that amt of money/and wtf again ^^ I'm amused, and yet appalled that I'm a fellow Nebraskan to that dude. *heh*
And of *course* he's a drummer in a band >D The q&a amuses me more than it should.
...and now I'm thinking I need to make sure this isn't one of my brother's friends, because man, I could see one of them doing that. ^^
Comments 4
And of *course* he's a drummer in a band >D The q&a amuses me more than it should.
...and now I'm thinking I need to make sure this isn't one of my brother's friends, because man, I could see one of them doing that. ^^
LOL! I figured I should point this out to you before Ebay yanked it... just in case you see him around... to torment him royally, of course..
I know. it was very WTF?? but at least he seems polite ^^;;
"It's a living?"
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