I've never seen an episode of [the new] BSG, but have a couple seasons lined up (around position 100) on my Netflix queue. Knowing that there is an actual end to the series makes me more willing to invest some attention in it-it means that even if I do get hooked, I won't be dangling on that hook indefinitely.
I'm quite pleased. Based on the S3 finale, I think they can wrap up the show nice and tightly in one season, rather than draaaaaagging it ooouuuut foreeeeeeeeever.
I am just starting season 2. I had heard that some of the more recent BSG material wasn't so great. I think that this is a story line that you want to end, though. They can't be running from the Cylons forever, and it's much better for them to end it with a big climax than to let it meander into some quiet hole and die.
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