Yesterday in detail, pretty long.
I got up yesterday at about half past nine to start obsessively checking my email to see if they got my mcr cd waiting for me. I made myself some coffee and had breakfast (Special K, with teh chocolaty goodness, should you care) And began refreshing the mcr page on the fnac website. Stfu, I have no life. Anyway, I had to clean up some stuff so I did while listening to mcr, but not the new stuff (, which was very difficult. Rima woke up, and signed in, talked to her on msn. Then Kase came online and wished me lots of fun at the concert.
2 pm happened, I realised I had stuff to take with me, (at that point I also accepted the fact that tbp wouldn't be in my posession on the release date. Fuckers.) I asked Kase for advice (thanks hun ;)) and then I left to catch my bus. I was almost outside the door, till I realised I didn't have my ticket with me. Lol @ self. Anyway, I reassured myself that it's the Panic one I needed, not the TOC one, or the one for Lostprophets; so I left again. On the bus I nearly tripped over a dog. The owner was kind of cute.
Met up with Rima at the station, waited for Fia, who was arriving by train. Her afternoon classes 'got canceled' so she could take a train early XD
Once she was there, we took the bus to Rima's. On the bus, the back of the bus swerved and being my elegant self I ended up on my back NEXT TO MY FUCKING SEAT STILL HOLDING ON TO THE .. THING PEOPLE USUALLY HOLD ON TO. Fuck it hurt.
It was also incredibly funny.
Anyway, it still hurts much when I touch it and I can't lie on my back or anything, it's annoying.
We talked and ate stuff in Rima's room. Listened to music, and then around... I don't know what time it was, we left for the station. Took the train to Brussels, amused the trainticketperson. We were really loud as well.
Arriving in Brussels Central station, Fia guided us. I don't know if you know, but people never rely on my orientation skillz. Which is the smart thing to do.
We were almost at the Ancienne Belgique, when we saw them.
None of us really thought they'd excist in Belgium really, but there they were. All people with the same hair, all incredibly tiny, dyed hair, one eye exposed to the world and everything. Average age was probably 15 to 17 XD I felt old. It's not as bad as I make it sound though, but you had a lot of typical myspace people walking around.
We were randomly talking to people, when I (though I'm not sure if it was me) suggested yelling we saw one of the members of P!atd, so people would start yelling too. Um, I dunno, maybe it was Rima who thought of it first. It was Rima & Fia who asked the people next to us to play alone, I was standing between lots of tiny people, for some reason. Anyway, so we did it, and pointed and people yelled it was fun, haha ^-^
Then a couple of minutes later someone with a 'Meet & Greet Taking Back Sunday' sign made his way to where we were. Fia yelled at us to pay attention (my brain wasn't cooperating) so we asked what was going on, and how we could win and stuff. The guy gave us some flyers, explained briefly, and the girl with the camera stayed behind talking to us. She seemed so excited to see someone who knew TBS, lol. She had a binder with her with all her pictures, as soon as we started talking about mcr, and tbs, she took it and gave it to us. Holy shit, that girl is so lucky. She had very good pictures of all the guys from mcr, and they were all signed. Mikey had drawn a bat around (at least that's what I think it was) his eye, was kinda funny. Anyway, she was happy when we noticed the Saves the Day lead singer, we recognised the pink hair XD Also nice pics of Matt & Adam from Taking Back Sunday. And a very nice picture of William Beckett as well, to Fia's delight. I'm forgetting stuff, but whatever :P Anyway, she told us to check the site out, and if we wanna help out with interviews (like holding the camera :P) or promoting, review cd's and stuff, we should email her, it was kinda of awesome really.
Rima already found her on MySpace, and they called and everything. We're gonna try our hardest, meet & greet with tbs, hello best day of my year so far :P
Anyway, we told her we hated her in the best possible way and she took that as a compliment, so yay for that!
The line was moving so she made her way to the front to where the other guy was. Then we waited, and we got in. We made our way to the lockers, threw in Rima's bag (which had water in it, they threw out the coke but didn't see the water) and our jackets/hoodies/sweaters.
Rima had to go the the bathroom so she did, while she was gone Fia & I saw a Louder Now poster, Fia almost ripped it off, but I didn't want any trouble (so I'm a goody goody :P) and we told Rima when she got back, who told the poster she'd be taking him home with her XD (she forgot to do it though :()
We were all set so we made our way in. We were at an ok spot; airco right above us, which proved to be quite nice. We started talking to random people again. There was this guy in front of us, he smelled like tennis shoes. The guys behind us was 20, lol. You're not supposed to feel old at 19, but still...
Time for The Sounds. They seemed alright. I don't know what's with her and showing us her legs though :/ and what the hell was she wearing anyway. And note to singer; next time you perform, at least pretend to sing live, and hold the mic on front of you when you're 'singing' That put me off quite a bit.
They stopped and all of a sudden some UK people made their way through the crowd, stopping right in front of us.
Note to all English speaking people: When you're going to Belgium, 99,9% of the people can understand what you're saying. It's really not a difficult language for us to at least understand. We're Belgian, not stupid. Thank you.
Moving on, I really didn't need to hear the *giggle* 'Everybody hates us now XD' thing. Stupid blonde. She was right in front of me, and I couldn't help but hear some stuff (not word for word correct but whatever :P)
Chick #1: Oh, I love my shirt (it was a striped patd shirt)
Chick #2: It is very nice
Chick #1: Yeah I wanna, like, have it signed by Brendon
Chick #1: Do you think it's baggy?
Chick #2: What?
Chick #1: My shirt?
Chick #1: Omg, how come you're not sweating?
Chick #2: Oh I am sweating!!
Chick #2: How does my face look?
Chick #1: You look a little bit flushed darlin'.
Chick #1: Brendon is so cute, I hope he like, wears like this black trousers, and a black shirt and then like a white tie? That would be cute *giggle*
Chick #1 & 2#: *exchange 'we are so much better than those stupid people, ahahaha' looks*
Chick #1: *hits my head with elbow* Sorry!
Me: That's alright.
Chick #1: *stares*
Me:*stares back*
Chick #1: *looks really confused*
Chick #1: ... um... this one girl came up to me and said I looked a lot like Ashlee Simpson... (you shoulda seen her face ahahahahahahahahahahaha cow)
Chick #1:...
Chick #2: Well... um... she's pretty...?
Chick #1: Oh, you think?
AND WHAT WAS WITH ALL THE TOUCHING, I mean, me and Fia did the occasional cuddle and pinch cheeck thing, but aaaaaargh.
I yelled in Dutch 'go back to your country' which is a pretty low thing for me to say maybe, I didn't mean to be like that really, but they showed up and unabled me to move and my back was already killing me from that great fall on the bus and everything and I was seriously pissed and sick of her whiny stupid voice and did I mention I couldn't move because she was there?
The girls behind me were imitaing her 'like' right in front of her face. Highly amusing.
It's just annoying, when you wanna get to the front, just you show up in time, don't ruin it for the majority of the people. Or at least don't be such a fucking asshole when people start complaining and asking what you're doing. It wasn't just us, it was everyone complaining. And that one girl had a The Used hoodie, I wanted to yell at her. Well at least she didn't look like Ashlee Simpson.
Anyway, it was time for P!atD so, lights went out, crowd went crazy, girls yelling Brendon's name and everything. All the English people moved out of the way in the end, they probably got to the front. Yay them. Time to Dance was the first song :D Fia had a lot of trouble breathing, Rima told her 'no no no' and made her breath. During the second song it was ok, but we went to the side during Camisado and asked the guy to open the door, not knowing it wasn't the door to the balcony. He wouldn't let us at first, but Rima yelled at him Fia was sick; so he opened the door. Fia collapsed on the floor, for a sec we both thought she was unconscious, but she wasn't; either way Rima took charge, which was pretty cool, at least I know when something happens, Rima knows what to do ^-^ They made her get up way to soon, and sat her down, and she got water, no fair :P We got a few sips though.
When Fia could walk again (they were playing Nails for breakfast blahdiblahdiblah at that moment) we decided to go to the balcony, which was actually kind of fun. The crowd was insane, lots of pushing and dancing, and jumping. Everyone was singing along, it was pretty nice to see :) Of course everyone sang along loudest to I Write Sins Not Tragedies. Brendon said at one point 'you guys are amazing' sounding like he couldn't believe we knew English :| He meant well I suppose ;) He did seem like he was having fun ^-^ I didn't like his pants though XD
Ryan was wearing that stupid hat, I barely could see his face. He's incredibly skinny isn't he? Spencer was fun to watch. And Jon, of course. I like 'im.
Brendon apparently blew a kiss Ryan's way, he also touched his face, and kept grinning at him, haha. Ryan & Jon walked up to each other at one point, which was pretty nice to see as well.
I was totally staring at Brendon's hands while he was playing the piano, haha.
At one point Rima pointed at the crowd 'Jill ... Ju... eh... girl from school is here!!!' haha. We met some girls two weeks ago. They were sitting on 'our' seats during stats, and one of them noticed the mcr logo drawn on one of the desks (Rima's :P) so Rima said it was hers, and asked if they knew mcr. Judy was all 'I know them' with a grin, it was a weird moment (omg someone who's not one of my friends listening to mcr?!) And then one of the others said jokingly 'more emos!!' to which Judy kindly said 'they are not emo' laaaaaaaaa lovely. So anyway, she was there, only I couldn't see her.
Ummm, after There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered blahblah they left the stage and everyone was yelling and stuff, and then they came back 'we're gonna play two more songs for ya alright?' Alright. Last song was Build God, Then We'll Talk. Brendon stagedived and then I couldn't see him anymore, funniest moment ever, Rima and I were laughing, cuz he security was trying to pull him out safely. Poor guy. Kept singing though. Even when everyone was literally all over him. Anyway, he was back on the stage after a very graceful... sorta flip, lol. We were still laughing after everyone had left XD It was so funny, one moment he's just singing, at the edge of the stage and I'm thinking 'haha it would be funny if he would just - ' and then it happened, it looked pretty. XD
So after that we waited till a lot of people left, and then we ran to Judy, she was all surprised to see us there. We talked, I can't remember much of the conversation, she was wearing a scarf :| and a Bullet for my Valentine shirt. Haha. And one guy was wearing an Avenged Sevenfold shirt too. Anyway, she got Black Parade posters at the entrance and she's bringing them to class next week, yessss.
After that we went to the locker and stuff, went outside, went to McDonalds, because we needed sugar :) And then we left for the station and took the train to Ghent. We arrived there about half past twelve, and we walked to Rima's. We were all very tired, but we managed, or they anyway, to sort out some stuff to try and enter the meet & greet and stuff. Checked my mail once again, didn't get one yet, woe, I just want that cd! Anyway, suddenly it was 2 am, and I wanted to go home; both of them didn't want me walking alone at that hour, so Rima accompanied me (thanksh) on her bike. I got home, and put on the laptop to flist a little, and then at 3 I went to bed. I couldn't sleep well, gah. I wasn't asleep at 4.30 am :/ Around 9.30 Jenny came in and started to clean, which she always does on Saturdays but it was noisy and I wanted to sleeeeep. Called dad, he said it was going to be 11.00 am or 11.30 when they would be picking me up, but I understood 11.30 - 12; so when they arrived at my place 10.45 I was panicky, I was still in bed, I hadn't packed. But it turned out alright in the end.
Picked Rima up as well, and then went home. I was dead tired, but I had stuff to do, so I couldn't sit around and do nothing. I had to shower, cause I smelled pretty bad XD So I did, and then we had lunch, during that Emma came in, and asked me to go to the city with her, so I said ok. We walked a lot, omg I'm so tired XD She bought some clothes and a waffle pour moi, which was pretty good. Mmm sugar.
After the city we went to the supermarket my mum works at, everyone was saying hi and asking how I was :P Emma always buys shitloads of food, and still Serge's terribly skinny XD I found out my mum had everything I needed at home, so I just bought cookies and lemon yogurt, and said hi to mum.
Emma dropped me off at home, and then I left to go to Rima's, and help her paint the tbs sign on a sheet. Which turned out to be fun XD Sorry I was so quiet Rima, I really did enjoy myself and I am excited just a little cynical. Anyway, we made other signs as well on paper, which was nice, cuz all we did was listen to mcr making a tbs sign ^-^ Then I had dinner there, which was teh yum (lasagna) and we finished our signs and then I went home. And now I'm here, dead tired, and I hope some of this made sense, and if you read it, I hope I amused you somewhat XD
I can't wait for TOC next week :D Now my parents actually know where I'm going (I 'went out for Deborah & Jonasdi's birthday' yesterday) so :D
♥ mwah, take care everyone!