Title:Puppetry Fandom: Zikki Rating: PG Disclaimer: I'm just borrowing them for awhile, I don't own them I swear! Summary:when fantasy is more real than life itself......
He finds it funny that from the outside looking in it seems that everyone thinks that the time spent on set. On stage. Infront of the camera is when its fake, when it's work, make believe because to him thats when its real. When he drops his guard and can be all he wants to be all he imagined he'd be and then the cameras stop rolling and the acting starts and its all fake smiles, nice words and choreographed moves, when he's the puppet, his strings being pulled every step he takes and he wonders how long before they break and he goes stumbling down.
I can really see him feeling this way. While filming a movie he can relax and enjoy himself because, even though it's work, it's work he loves... except for that one role he sometimes wishes he'd never taken on...Zac Efron movie star and Golden Boy of Disney...I think we all know that being a movie star and being an actor are not the same thing.
Comments 5
when he's the puppet, his strings being pulled every step he takes and he wonders how long before they break and he goes stumbling down.
You need to read my most recent friends locked post immediately..it centres round the House of Mouse and I would love to hear what you think.
I have a few Zikki Fics up on my LJ if you are interested!
I can really see him feeling this way. While filming a movie he can relax and enjoy himself because, even though it's work, it's work he loves... except for that one role he sometimes wishes he'd never taken on...Zac Efron movie star and Golden Boy of Disney...I think we all know that being a movie star and being an actor are not the same thing.
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