dont you just love useless people
(7:54:20 PM) Lena: im bored in the meantime
(7:54:22 PM) Lena: what should i do
(7:54:22 PM) Lena: LOL
(7:54:27 PM) guiang2geeung: be bored
(7:54:29 PM) guiang2geeung: HAHHA
(7:54:31 PM) Lena: .......
also there was some gaia drama i got involved in,
So I was supposed to template these squirrels for a B/C interest shop... they had an ETA of mid July and lo and behold, I got them in before August (when they wanted to open the shop). I ended up uploading them 3 days later than I said I would and in that time they decided it would be ok for them to publicly post about considering canceling the trade. Wait what..? I'm already DONE and you want to cancel the trade?
Oh well, I'll give them a chance. I PM'd the download link with all the templates in .psd files. Now let me tell you something, I usually use SAI and I usually use the marker tool - anyone familiar with SAI will know that the marker tool does not blend properly unless it is ontop of another color, ie. you cannot have transparency while using this brush. Because of this, the templates had a white background. I ended up typing a readme.txt file that I zipped up along with the templates that give instructions on how to cert these while keeping the template layer as multiply...
Next day in the interest thread I see her complaining about the templates being hard to use. What? I freaking wrote you instructions, I even kindly put "PM me on Gaia if you have any problems" in the text file.
Now at this point I'M annoyed because I went out of the way to include instructions and here is this person acting like its MY fault they can't use their brain to figure out how to make templates work. (Later her friend mentioned she was taking college classes for photoshop - thats cute, and you don't know how to use the magic wand tool?) So of course I stop by the thread because I already ignored the first LOLWUT but I just can't avoid the second LOLWUT...
Day after that she gets her rude friend to speak for her (I guess she can't even defend herself, how sad), and this is the post:
First off, this is Dragon's Thread. She can say whatever the hell she wants. You have no right to tell her what she can and can't say.
And if she couldn't figure out how to fix the mistake you made maybe it's you who's the noob because you can't do what you were paid to do.
Dragon is one of my best friends IRL and you don't know what kind of person she lis like I do, and frankly, I find it annoying that you think so highly of yourself and completely disregard the feelings of a person who paid you for your work. You shouldn't have been paid at all.
You were unreliable, untrustworthy and late on EVERYTHING. Thanks to you Dragon is more stressed than usual and she doesn't even want to open the shop now. It's ungrateful people like you that are hurting Gaia's community.
You are rude, selfish and self centered and you don't deserve what you were given when you couldn't even have the to do it right or have it to her on time when you promised to get it to her. Dragon loves your templates, but personally I don't think they're worth all of the trouble you've given her.
You need to clean up your act, because frankly, it's an attitude like that that gets people in trouble in life.
And FYI, What you ASSUMED was that Dragon was a noob, which she's not, that she didn't read your readme, which she did, and that she didn't like your templates, which she does.
Get the hell over yourself, grow up and be more mature.
You owe Dragon an apology.
I find it ironic she tells me to "get the hell over myself" and "grow up and be more mature" while stating some generalized bullshit "unreliable, untrustworthy and late on EVERYTHING" just a few sentences above. Thats really cute. It's more like, I assumed she was a noob since she can't even figure out basic photoshop commands (because she is a noob) and she didn't read my readme because.. she didn't.
So here is my response:
whoa someone needs to calm down lmao. its the internet, i can say what i want as well thanks.
sorry but its people with your kind of attitude that makes trouble in life - butting into other people's problems and acting like you know how everything should be run. usually when people are thinking of canceling payment, that means they are no longer interested in the work. also, i wrote "ask me on gaia if you have any questions" on the readme and she didn't - complaining in her thread apparently solves things faster.
thanks to you i no longer want my templates used since i'm "unreliable, untrustworthy, and late on EVERYTHING". (perhaps you should take your own advice, way to generalize). good day.
edit: wow i went to cancel the trade and the original payment isn't even there - way to scam.
And yep.. I checked the trade because I never accept accept trades immediately (not to mention I was only getting paid 1mil for 7 templates) and it was missing the original payment (inari's beads). Excuse me? You went ahead and took out half the trade already LOL??? Now that was the last straw - no way you could pry these templates off me now.
AND to TOP IT ALL OFF - they start posting in another UNRELATED thread that I post in (jointauction). And they were completely out of line and rude too:
Wow, so you bitch her out for talking about you,
Then you go and do it.
You bitch me out, for sticking my nose in it, but she asked me to step in, and you tell your friends to go see it and talk about us here.
You hypocritical brat. You seriously have no room to talk. I'll admit I have no Photoshop knowledge, hell, I'm just learning to use gimp, so I'm a noob, yeah. But for your information, she tried to use the wand and it cut off parts of the squirrel. And she's been taking college classes for photoshop, so you have no room to talk about her that way. It's rude and it's mean.
I know I'm a bitch, but Dragon isn't. She's really nice and she was really patient with you when she was waiting for those templates and when we went swimming she was so happy and excited you were templating for her.
You're doing the same thing here that you got mad at her for doing in her own thread, so maybe you should cool it a little and at least say sorry to her, because you're as at fault here as I was back there. I was backing up my best friend, and defending her, so I had the right to, I'm sorry you didn't like it, but I have a right to defend the people I love.
Most of it is tl;dr but what is funny is, previous to this post all I had written was "check out my post history for lulz" and left it at that - I didn't comment on the issue at all and there definitely wasn't any "bitching". I also like the cute "she was rly happy when we were swimming!" story at the end - what does that have to do anything? LOL.....
Regal, who is in charge of the auction thread, put that chick (who seems to act like she is 16) in her place, to which she replies:
Hey, I was just trying to apologize, you don't have to bite my head off, just cool off.
Riiight... apparently calling me a hypocritical brat who bitches about things = apologizing.
Later on I checked "Dragon's" post history and found some gems like:
"I know and my husband even took her side,im not happy with him now.
"I know,but she didnt and was very rude to me and my friend for speaking our minds and telling the truth."
HAHAH thats really funny, apparently being unnecessarily rude to people and calling them names and insulting them = telling the truth! Funniest joke of the year!!
I was SO tempted to reply to every one of her posts with "lol u mad?"
oh gaia, u so funy.