The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
What does
snapple2993 think of America's involvement in Iraq?oh good lord - that's a loaded question if ever there was one.
not. going. there.Why would
elt03c go to heaven but
pantless_ash go to hell?OMG. none of my girls are going to hell. everyone gets to go to heaven in my world.What will be
dopleganger's last words?i heart ben.Where did
xxmrs_deppxx leave the remote?in johnny's lap.Have you ever suspected
arguile of being a lifelike robot?no. robots do not = drama, nor do they = lying about random shit. but i love you anyway, b/c that makes you you.What kind of underwear does
saaaraaah wear?sar wears undies?!?
maybe rainbow brite and care bears ... oh wait, that's me ... ummm... camo??
How will
films_in_legato die?oh lordy, he's not allowed to until he's finished w/ school ... but i've killed him many a times in halo ... ha ha.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?