Grr, stupid doctor bills and insurance that should have covered them. And it's from May! why the hell do they say I owe anything now? And how did they get the 6 dollars? I don't understand my piece of paper. Bah. I better not get a bunch of these for all my different visits >.< talk about nickel and diming.
I'm too tired for this stuff, ya know?
Better stuff:
Knitting with Bamboo and Silk yarn in a preeeettty orchid color. It feels so nice and I can't wait until I am done with the gloves I am making. Will have finished tweaking a pattern and working out yarn amounts and and..stuff. I will probably even actually use my Etsy account finally for them, even though I am going to be in love with them. Yes. Oh well. I will make more for me for the next cold season. Ugh it is chilly lately. Makes for cuddling up with knitting nice though. Mmmhm
I think if my brother and I get out together this weekend I will have him go to Chipotle with me. He hasn't been yet last I knew and it would be a yummy lunch stop. Mm food... I think it's time to raid ze kitchen.
Be awesome