Title: The Heart-Shaped Chocolate Box
Author/Artist: lenarix_klinde
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FrUK, implied others
Rating: MA
Warnings: Sex, potty mouths
Summary: France gives England a blowjob on Valentine’s Day. Thank you to
thenakedcat for the beta.
the heart-shaped chocolate box )
Comments 3
I think it's the most "canonical" and accurate point of view of the FrUK relationship. I love how you keep all the fic raw and non-sentimental. That's exactly what I think their relationship is most of the time: sex and that's all. But, on the other hand, I just loved how, in some points, it looks like France is thinking of "something more than just that" as if he put his heart over his brains for a moment, and how it looks like all these times England does something harsh or blunt, as if he knew what the french was thinking about and didn't want him to go any further.
And I also don't know if that was intended or if it's just my headcanon I read between the lines but it's like how they call themselves with their country names and not their "human" ones makes everything better. It's like, even though they know their names (in some point of the fic ( ... )
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