Pink phantom!

Jan 03, 2010 20:06


this is special annoying journal! XD Because I'm still pissed at my friend and she is still pissed at me (if you couldn't guessed we had quite a big fight, more like epic monstrous fight) so I can't tell her like usually, so you are stuck with me now XD
Anyway, you don't need to read this, it's just my need to vent

So, there was pink phantom! I swear, no kidding. That girl must have been blind, otherwise I don't understand. Or that bright pink blinded her, which happened to me and I wasn't able to continue reading my notes for exam. It was shame, because she was rather pretty XD Well, I have felt like Alice in Wonderland, but not in Tim Burton's funny and charming way, but totally in creepy way. Have you seen the trailer for Burton's Alice in Wonderland? I'm soooo going to see that film :D
And when I moved to another train (have to take two), there was white phantom. Well, no shit. You know how Ichigo´s hollow is able to make white look rather sexy (at least for me XD), but this was really creepy too. And white is absolutely impractical colour for travelling, another thing I didn't understand today.
I thought very naively, these two phantoms were enough. Yeah, you guessed right, they weren't. No more phantoms, more idiotic people. How I hate sniffing seniors %) God, I almost gagged, so earplug-headphones were in action damn fast, volume turned up too. And there was that stupid man, who was talking to the phone commenting on girls in the public bus. I just thought - What the fuck?! Lucky to get out on my stop.

So I ended up in my room with a cup of coffee and some food damn tired. Exams started not too long ago and I'm already annoyed. Well, I need to continue reading that damned notes for exam in Statistics. See you soon :)

PS: I know I dind´t send any New Year journal, so I just wish you to be happy and achieve whatever is important to you in this year :)
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