Friends Only

Sep 06, 2006 17:38

To be my friend you should add a comment

(1) About your least favorite household chore
(2) Explain why
(3) Replace (1) with "I don't like sex" and then say (2)

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Comments 4

lethargychick September 5 2006, 03:50:00 UTC
(1) Changing kitty litter
(2) Cat poo. Enough said.
(3) I don't like sex because goddamnit it's messy.


rose_garden September 5 2006, 07:16:14 UTC
When I was a kid, I hated washing dishes because it seemed like a never-ending chore that required focus and was very isolating. These days, I'm in a house with a six-week rotation work wheel, and the chore I dislike the most is vacuuming & dusting, because no matter how much you do, you will never been done, and in the end, someone asks you if you've done your chore yet.


amoralphreak September 5 2006, 17:45:03 UTC
1. washing dishes
2. it makes my hands feel gross
3. i don't like sex because apparently i'm under the impression that hand jobs = sex


calamity_josh September 18 2006, 01:19:50 UTC
1) washing glass
2) it leaves streaks
3) i don't like sex because it leaves streaks


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