Lenore and Geoffrey in room 12 at the Three Broomsticks. Continued from
this thread.
Lenore helpfully wrapped her legs around Geoffrey when he lifted, smiling as they turned and flopped to the mattress. Oh, she did love weekends- when she took them off, which she was most certainly doing with this one. Among other things.
"So, here we are. On the bed."
She grinned. "Mhmm." This would be an interesting experiment for them; not the casual but the slow (considering no ties were yet in evidence). Lenore came up on her elbows to be closer as proximity was everything. Her lips ghosted down his neck, touching with breath more than skin, and before satisfying any urge to touch on either side was fulfilled she turned away and met his eyes with a dangerously coy smile. "So. Whatever shall we do now?"