"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
-G. K. Chesterton
♫♪ I got awesomely cute cupcakes from my room-mate! I had no idea what got into her this is no special occasion. and it took me about one hour and half to actually eat the cupcakes xD I didn't have the heart to eat cute things. lol. and it tasted really good! *o*
♫♪ I swear, this is like the busiest week ever ;A; and the fact that I decided to update my LJ on my busiest week xp with all the quizzes, tutorials, lab reports and assignments and whatnot T^T but it feels good somehow, to be busy I mean -to the point that I don't have time to think about unnecessary things.
♫♪ one more week, then HELLO HOME! \o/
♫♪ final exams - next month. T^T
♫♪ to all muslims in my f-list, have a wonderful ramadhan! :)
I'm off now. take care! ^^