So it's the last night of Thankgiving Break and I'm bored out of my mind. . .
So I decided to have a picture update.
So. . .
I miss:
The days when we were young and I was a pudgy little kid (holding a box of Captain Crunch) although I don't miss the pudgy part.
This place.
Sweet funnelator shooting.
Cenotes [sa-no-tays]. This is probably my favorite picture of myself ever.
That's enough of what I missed. I realized I forgot to post pictures of my birthday and such. So here they are:
It's Jesus. He even has the halo going on.
Jared making one of his infamous gestures.
A picture I enjoy. Probably because I'm the only one looking at the camera.
I like this photo because my irises look nonexistant and my eyes look like one giant pupil. J'aime mes yeux.
Just kidding. . .it's Jessica.
Moving back in time about a week to Homecoming.
All of us.
Random photo of me in a hammock in Mexico. Kind of look like I'm drunk.
Did I mention that I love this place?
It's Nanook of the Mideast! Also known as my father in a ridiculously huge (but sweet) parka from my crazy uncle.
Tennis needs to start.
This kid's pretty hot. At least right here he is.
I'll leave you with a sentimental picture. It's one of those cheesy "aww" ones.
Well. . .that took a ridiculous amount of time. Some of the pictures are crazy huge so sorry about that.