Ok I will say sorry right now for my Potty mouth!!!
So I have been seeing this guy for the past 6 months. Now, I know I am a booty call and all, but I was just hoping that it could eventually go somewhere!!! So let me backtrack a little…If any of you have heard me talk about this guy before you will know that I’ve been in love with him since I was 13 years old, Which was back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, or at least 21 years ago. (And for you who want to know Yes I am 34 years old…Although on any given day I don’t act or look like it but that is neither here nor there) So anyways I have loved him a for a long while. And don’t ask why I haven’t tried to make a go of it before now because that is a hell long story and I don’t have all day to type…. Anyways we have been messing around for the last 6 months and I have held out hope that he might come to his senses and realize he can’t live with out me…. Well so this weekend he was over at a mutual friends house and she asked him point blank what his intentions were…. She told him she realized that this was none of her business and all but she didn’t want to see me get hurt! And while they are not bad they are not what I was hoping for… He told her that right now what we have going on is perfect for him, because he has been hurt really bad in the past and he Dose not want or need a relationship… He likes it how it is, AKA me as a booty call. He also said that he doesn’t want to live with some one or to have the happily ever after! And well FUCK!!!!! Some days I really wonder what is wrong with me that all I seem to find are the guys that want me as a fuck and that’s it!!!! Don’t get me wrong I like to fuck as much as the next person maybe more then most… but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to have my happily ever after! Oh and a Warning!!!! The first person to tell me that this is because I don’t let God pick out my man or anything else to do with God will probably cause me to snap what little grasp on my sanity I have left and you are going to hear about me on the news as the chick who went on a murderess Rampage killing anyone with a Jesus fish!!!!! If you are Christian I have nothing against you, as long don’t push it on me… I get enough of this through my Family. I am truly the black sheep in my family…. I am a pierced and Tattooed Freak and I am usually happy with my life as it is…. So there you have it… in a nut shell don’t tell me what to think, write, or believe! And I wont say men suck cause I Still hold out hope I will find the right one… but I will say my love life Sucks!!! Sorry this is so long!!!!
And a Quiz cause I can
Yes Some days the Lion in me does wish I could just Eat Stupid people!!!!!!
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Grab Code I do find it very funny that they used my Ex husband's name for the friend LOL